Chapter Eight: Abby's POV

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Saturday: Day 4

 "Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation."

                        -Henry Ward Beecher

“Devon should have come with us,” I complain, wincing from the odor in the air as Alicia and I walked down the road.

“He’ll be fine,” she snaps, clearly annoyed with me whining about this for the entire time since he exited my vision.

“Yeah, but what if-“

“Abby!” she shrieks quietly, shooting a deadly glare in my direction before continuing forward.

Was it really so bad that I was worrying about somebody? She was worrying about her brothers, we hadn’t even seen them since we left yesterday afternoon to clear out the school. Maybe she  was stressed and that’s why she kept snapping at me.

“Just shut up, we need to be completely quiet,” she whispers, taking large steps as she steps over bodies.

I tried to avoid the puddle of blood settled beside one of the bodies I stepped over, feeling my face scrunch up instinctively. This was disgusting, it smelled disgusting, and it looked disgusting. Nonetheless, I was glad I was where I was rather than dead or one of them.

“See that?” Alicia whispers even quieter than before, pointing out ahead of us.

I squinted and tried to see what she was pointing at. I almost gasped. It was a young girl, maybe ten or eleven years old, and she was walking. I watched as she stopped and turned to look around, scanning the street before heaving a sigh and resuming forward.

“She looks normal, we should go help her…” I murmur, taking a hesitant step forward.

She takes the lead, going faster than I’d started. As we approach her, Alicia speaks up.

“Hey, little girl?”

The child turns around with wide eyes and a slightly parted mouth, and it’s clearly written across her face that she’s about to run.

“No, no, no, it’s okay, we’re nice,” I coo, gesturing for her to come to us.

She hesitated. That’s all it took. One simple hesitation could get you killed.

I screamed to nearly the top of my lungs as something charged at her, ramming her, from the side, into the ground. The girl barely made a sound as she struggled to breathe, and she looked at me for help just before the zombie tore open her flesh with its teeth and devoured what it could.

Alicia gripped my wrist tightly and pulled me with her. I struggled to keep my legs from tangling together as I sprinted with her.

“Faster!” she pants, and I suddenly realize why. We were slowly becoming surrounded from behind us, to the left of us, and to the right of us. I felt like I was in a bad zombie movie. When did they all show up? I needed to run faster, my current pace wasn’t going to keep me alive.

I whimpered as I pushed my legs to go faster than they could handle, and I knew they were going to give out soon. Alicia’s grip on my wrist was slowly loosening, and I knew that by now if I collapsed that we would both perish. I couldn’t do that to her. I need to hang in.

“Come on!” she yells, trying to motivate me, but only making me feel worse. I knew I wasn’t a fast runner, she knew I wasn’t a fast runner.

Just when I thought we were out of the pit, just when I thought I could slow down maybe just a bit, I tripped. My eyes could barely focus in quick enough to see the pavement of the ground speeding toward my face.

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