Chapter 1

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It was very early. So early that even though the birds may be singing, it was hard to believe that it was even considered 'morning'. The clouds were covering the sky in such a thick layer, that the sun might as well have burnt up and no one would have known any different. Purely miserable, in every aspect of the word.

My phone was going to start blaring it's annoyingly repetitive sounds, in an attempt to wake me up, but little did it know, my eyes had been open for so long, that every pattern in the ceiling had been burnt into my mind repeatedly. 

There was no reason for me to be awake so early, my final day at college had ended yesterday, and the downward spiral of meaningless existence, waiting for my results had began. Waking up at this time was just habit, and the way it looked outdoors was a perfect reflection of my mood.

This is the first time in years that I have felt so absolutely lost in this world. There was nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one to see. Everyone that I had met over the years spent at college were already going to be packing up and leaving. I had made no real effort to find any friends whilst I was here. I wanted to keep my head down, pass my exams, and find a job. Keeping my head down was the easy part, I had found a place to rent off campus, so whilst everyone was bumping into each other in the corridors, I was hiding up in my tiny apartment drawing pictures and filling up sketchbooks. Graphic design was very time consuming, so there was no time for friends. Or at least, that's what I told myself to stay positive.

But now college is over, and unless I pass, all of my time here will have been wasted. 

My train of thought came to an end, just as my alarm started penetrating the silence that had consumed me. I groaned as I sat up and pulled my legs over the edge of the bed. The cold floor sweeping across my skin. My mind was racing with ideas as to what I could do today to fill up the emptiness. Whilst I didn't have the motivation to do anything, I knew that if I did nothing, I would soon fall into a pit and not be able to claw myself back out. I could apply for jobs, but most graphic design firms require qualifications, of which I won't know if I have for another few weeks. 

College was the only reason for existence for so long, and now it's over, I don't really know what to do. Deciding to just take the day as it comes, I forced myself out of bed. I had so much time on my hands, which was a foreign concept to me. Usually by this time I'm showering and trying to force food down my throat before leaving for my morning class. It would be nice to take my time with things today. 

Even on weekends, I'll wake up early and start my day off like any other. If I allowed myself to have a lay in, I wouldn't be able to get back into the routine in time for Monday rolling around. Today is different, I don't have to think about these things for the time being, so taking an hour and a half long shower seems like an achievable aspiration. So that's what I did.

It felt like the first time I'd been able to properly enjoy a shower. I was able to shave and exfoliate and moisturize as much as I wanted to. This wasn't a usual occurrence, as usually I'd just rush doing these things, or just skip one or two of them altogether. Luckily I had remembered to turn the hot water on, otherwise I would've had to have waited an hour for the water to heat up before doing anything. This is particularly annoying when I have to get to a class, as I will have to endure the cold water or go without. 

The next step in my daily routine was breakfast. Usually I would have a slice of toast, or something along those lines in order to be quick. I didn't have to worry about that anymore, so I could be as lavish as I wanted. I had shopped for food earlier this week, with what was pretty much, the last of my money. Sausages, bacon, eggs, and toast seemed like a good idea if I wanted the energy to go and find another source of income.

I made my way to my small dull kitchen, which was just off the "living room". It was a very small apartment, one which cost way more than it should have done, but was unfortunately the only one available so close to the start of college. I grabbed the only frying pan that I owned, and started cooking. The whole room filled with the smell of greasy breakfast food, and I really started to appreciate having the extra time on my hands. This was soon followed by the regret of only having one frying pan, as fitting everything into one small circle was a struggle. 

Even if the eggs had the taste of meat, and the toast was slightly burnt, I enjoyed being able to sit on the couch and not have a care in the world. With the weight of final pieces and exams off my shoulders, I could finally start my life.

Returning to the kitchen to grab some orange juice from the fridge, I came to the sudden realization that the breakfast I had made was the last of my food. I had $20 in my account, but that was it. 

I need to find a job. Fast.

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