Chapter 28

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The pizza was amazing. We all ate way more than would've been deemed acceptable in any corner of society. There were so many chicken sides that went down an absolute treat, as well as a bunch of cheese bites and other such things, none of which sat well alongside the alcohol, which was emphasized by Jake burping left right and center. I was surrounded by stereotypical boys. Chandler however was more focused on the pizza than the movie, and I wondered if he had just asked to watch a horror movie as he thought we might be impressed.

I felt the room spinning a little bit, even though I was just sat still. I found myself laughing at a bunch of stupid things in the movie, and I knew it was more than I should've done, but we were all the same. I think that we were all on the same level, even though I couldn't drink a lot. I had eaten the majority of the food that we ordered though, and Jimmy was rather proud of me, he seemed to love food just as much as I did. The only problem was, the more intoxicated I got, the more comfortable I got around him. There had been a couple of times that I'd found myself leaning into him as we laughed, and I kept putting my hand on his arm when I spoke to him. He kept looking at me with this goofy smile on his face, his eyes slightly lidded, and his dimple perfectly shaded in the low light of the room. He looked absolutely gorgeous, and I knew sober me would never be comfortable enough to act the way I was around him. However, he most definitely did not seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to be inching himself closer to me. He started off sitting rather straight on the sofa, and he'd gradually moved to a slight angle, in which he was keeping himself supported by using my arm. His legs were now at an angle also, his feet tucked under the cushions, and leaving a big amount of space on the edge of the couch.

I eyed the space up for a little while, the soft white fabric looking like a very comfortable place to put my feet up. I'd been close to putting them on the table for the last hour or so, especially now that I was keeping Jimmy upright. The movie had just ended, and Chandler took the opportunity to suggest that we watch a comedy, because he 'felt like it'. It certainly contrasted to the conversation we had earlier, about how he just wanted to spend a whole night watching horror movies to get him in the Halloween spirit. Just like before, the discussion over which movie to put on next, perfectly distracted everyone from the fact that I was adjusting my position on the couch. I picked my legs up from the floor, placing them rather lightly next to Jimmy's, making it quite apparent just how much taller than me he was. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye, and I moved myself down the couch a little more.

We chatted over the movie, all of us pitching in a bunch of stories and just generally getting to know each other a little better. I wasn't quite sure when, but the topic of Bailey popped up at one point. "So what's the deal with him?" I asked, not really knowing what I meant by it, as there wasn't anything wrong with him, he just seemed a bit desperate in a weird way. I'd been told that Jake lives with him, so I figured that if anything was wrong, he'd know about it. "Ahh, nothing." Jake said, "He's a sweet boy, he's just had a rough time lately." He told me. I nodded my head, not wanting to push anything further, as obviously it wasn't my business. "Yeah, he had a pretty serious girlfriend for a couple of years and she cheated on him." Chandler said, "He's been sort of lonely ever since. We've been trying to get him out for ages, but he seems to just want to work and see his family." I wasn't expecting that, but it sort of made sense as to why he was so in to me at work. It's most likely because I'm the only girl that wouldn't know about what had happened to him, and also because I'd be the only person that he wasn't already friends with. "Poor guy." I said, "He's so sweet, why do people have to be such dickheads all the time." My words came out moderately slurred, making me realize just how drunk I actually was. "He'd jump on you if he heard you call him sweet." Chandler joked, "Shut up!" I exclaimed, flicking a beer tab at him. "He would though! He was all over you today." He said, laughing. "He wouldn't get very far." I laughed, "He's sweet, but not my type." I chuckled. Chandler winked at me, and then winked again at Jimmy.

"That's nice to hear." Jimmy said, slurring his words even more than I was. His words made my stomach flip, and my hairs stand on end. I felt a slight pressure on my thigh, and as I looked down, I saw Jimmy's hand lazily draped over the thin fabric of my denim jeans. I felt like I was about to explode.

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