Chapter 31

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It wasn't long before I fell asleep, I put the TV on to take my mind off things, and it worked a little too well. I must've fallen asleep at about 6 o'clock. I had one of those dull headaches that happens when I oversleep, and I felt as though it was a sign that I shouldn't have woken up at all. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was hit with stress over the events of yesterday. As well as a pain in my neck from falling asleep on the couch, a huge contrast to when I woke up on Jimmy's. The TV had turned itself off overnight, yet I could still hear the neighbors. The tap was dripping very loudly, the pipes were cracking, and I heard a toilet flush from the apartment above me. I groaned and forced myself off the couch. The floorboards creaked under my feet, and I knew that this eviction was the best thing that could've happened.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice, and grabbed some painkillers from the cupboard. My phone was still in my back pocket, and when I checked the time, I almost choked on my drink. It was 3 pm. This was becoming a habit, unless I was with Jimmy. In which case, there was actually a reason to wake up. I think I'd tricked my body into thinking that life wasn't worth living without him, which is mostly true. My life was abysmal when he wasn't around, all it was, was TV and sleep, nothing too exciting.

I remembered that Jimmy had said he'd call me today, and almost instantly I was in a better mood. I decided to have a shower and get myself dressed, there was no point in moping around. I also had to check my results from college, but they didn't come in until four. Safe to say, I was already bored. It felt so weird not having people around me. I'd spent most of my life in isolation, but now I was craving the company of my friends. I'd give Chandler a call, but he and Jimmy had planned to do something. Fuck it, I'll have a shower and play some PS4.

I'd put the heating on in my apartment, but it was still freezing. Even more so after my hour long shower. I wrapped myself up in a blanket, without bothering to take off my towel, and sat on the sofa. I pressed the PS4 button, waiting for the thing to start up, and just as I heard the whirring of the fan, the power went out. "For fuck sake" I muttered to myself, the room already getting dark due to the time of year. I heard the rain on the window, and I figured that had something to do with the lack of electricity. I pulled myself up and went over to the fuse box, flipping the switch off and on, knowing it wouldn't do anything, but trying anyway. There was a knock at the door, "Who is it?" I asked, climbing off the little chair I was using to reach the box. "Caretaker." I heard, his gruff voice sending shivers down my spine. I opened the door a little bit, peering around it so he wouldn't see that I was just in a towel. "Hello." I greeted, his torch shining in my eyes as he looked behind me into my apartment. "Power's out." He said. I nodded, a puzzled expression on my face. "Thunderstorm?" I asked, and he didn't say anything. "Okay, well thanks for checking up on me." I told him, as I began to close the door. He stuck his foot in it. My heart started pounding. "Just wanted to make sure that a pretty girl like you was alright." He said, kicking the door open a little bit more. I pushed on it a little bit with both hands, trying to close it, but not being anywhere near successful. His face tensed up as he realized what I was trying to do, and I knew I was in danger. He pushed the door, exposing me in my towel, and pushing me further back into my apartment. "You even dressed for the occasion." He said, a smirk appearing on his face, as he closed the door behind him, blocking the exit.

I glanced around the room, seeing my phone on the couch. I darted for it, grabbing it and running into the backroom, quickly turning into the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I heard his footsteps approaching, and he began to taunt me. "I could break this door down, you know?" He said, laughing maliciously. My back was to the door, and I was shaking like crazy. I typed my pass code into my phone and opened up Jimmy's contact. "Need help, come quick. Powers out so door will be open, calling 911." I sent the message, before calling the cops. I didn't want him hearing me on the phone, in case he kicked in the door, so I didn't speak, I don't think I would've been able to if I tried anyway. He was scratching on the wood, and I could feel myself starting to tear up.

"I'm on my way." Jimmy had sent.

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