Chapter 23

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The warehouse was just as warm as it was yesterday, and seemed to be a lot busier. It was most likely because Jimmy had ensured everyone was gathered in one room, whereas this morning, everyone was bustling about, greeting each other and making their way to their retrospective departments. I got a couple of smiles and waves from people as they noticed Jimmy and I walking in, but most of them seemed to make themselves look busy, probably because their boss was standing right alongside me.

"I'll walk with you to the editing room". Jimmy told me, walking alongside me towards the room I would be spending the majority of my time in. I was a little sad knowing that Jimmy would be doing his own thing, however it would just make me look forward to lunch even more. 

He greeted everyone as he walked past them, even popping his head into different rooms, to say good morning to as many people as possible. I thought it was rather adorable, no boss that I'd ever had, had ever been this nice or thoughtful. He continued walking with me, and I could tell his pace was slowing down the closer we got to my drop off point, "If you have any questions or need anything, just come and find me, I'll be happy to help." He said, smiling at me as we came to a halt in front of the door. I nodded at him, understanding that he was just being polite, I knew full well that he would be busy, which is most of the reason why I was reluctant to let him leave. Not because I had any questions, but I just enjoyed his presence. He made me feel at ease. "Thank you Jimmy, I hope you have fun filming videos today." I told him, almost wanting to give him a hug goodbye. I'd never been one for hugs, but he looked like he'd be cuddly. 

"I'll try my best, I'd prefer to be doing another video like yesterday, but it should be fun." He told me. "I'll meet you here at about half twelve, I think Jake and Chandler might want to come, they often tag along." He said, lingering slightly, before taking the slightest step forwards, and then stopping himself, and taking a step backwards, towards the direction he was going in. I felt my stomach flip at his actions, for a brief moment, I thought he was going to fulfill my wish of a hug, but I had no such luck. I couldn't wait for lunch though, I wouldn't mind getting to know Jake a little more, and Chandler was fun to be around, and the thought of more time in Jimmy's company filled me with excitement. Even though four and a half hours wasn't the longest time in the world to wait, it would sure as hell feel like it. "Amazing! I look forward to it. See you later, Jimmy." I told him, waving ever so awkwardly, before opening the door into the editing room.

Bailey was stood in the middle of the room, my laptop in his hands, almost as if he was waiting for me. "Y/N!" He said gleefully. I smiled at him, "Bailey!", he ushered me to follow him towards a desk in the far side of the room, pointing towards an empty seat. I sat myself down, realizing that this was my desk. It quite literally had my name on it, as well as a small box of chocolates, and a Starbucks cup. "What's all this?" I asked Bailey, as he took a seat next to me, in front of what I assumed was his desk. "You're welcoming present." He said, "They're from Jake actually, he does it with everyone." He told me. "Jake.." I pondered for a second, "That's the guy everyone calls The Viking, right?" I asked, he nodded at me. "Yeah, that's the one!" He seemed way too enthusiastic, which I liked in a way, but it was almost forced. I'd seen Bailey in a couple of videos and he seemed rather quiet, I wondered what would have caused his sudden boost of energy. He placed my laptop in front of me, and handed me the Starbucks cup. "He gets everyone hot chocolate, because some people prefer tea over coffee, and some don't have caffeine." He explained. It smelt amazing. I had never really taken to coffee, and was extremely appreciative of Jake being so thoughtful. I loved hot chocolate. "I'll definitely say thank you when I see him, how nice." I said, as I took a sip. Bailey watched me with a smile on his face, and I felt my cheeks heat up a little. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. He cleared his throat and looked away, almost as if he didn't know he was staring at me. He picked up an SD card that was on his desk, and nudged his chair closer to mine. I instinctively moved my chair a little further away, but not so much so that he thought I was being rude. "Today we'll be editing the video that you filmed yesterday." He opened up my laptop and placed the SD card into the slot in the side. "I'll help you through it, but I'll let you do most of it so you can work out the software." He explained, opening up the program that we would be using. 

I listened to him intently through everything he explained to me, taking as much information in as I could, and jotting things down on some post-its if I thought I wouldn't be able to remember. Bailey seemed to not really grasp the concept of personal space, and I wondered if he had other intentions on his mind. There was a guy in college who used to act the same way around me, and I found out just before I left that he had been trying to get into my pants pretty much the whole time. I cleared my mind of this train of thought, and decided that even if Bailey did think of me in that way, he was most certainly not my type. He may be cute, but it was more of a 'baby animal' kind of cute, as strange as it sounds. He was also smaller than me, which may sound shallow, but I preferred taller men. Besides, I had my eye on someone else. I nudged my chair away a little bit more, and he must've noticed because I saw a little flash of disappointment across his face, and he pulled his chair a little more to the side too. 

"Is it weird seeing yourself on camera?" He asked me after a little while. I nodded, "I don't look like myself, I'm so used to seeing a mirror image, if you know what I mean?" I asked. He agreed with me, "I don't like editing videos I'm in, which isn't many, but I find it really strange. Especially hearing myself talk, I sound so different." He chuckled. At that moment I spoke on the video, and until Bailey mentioned it, I hadn't even noticed. I did sound different, and I was happy that I didn't sound as annoying on the video as I did in my own head. 

I seemed to have grasped the concept of how the software worked, and I was doing quite a lot of it on my own. Bailey had explained to me what to cut out, and what to leave in. We had filmed a few hours of footage, and we had to cut it down to almost an eighth of the time. We'd reached a part in the video in which I had gone out to meet Chandler in the park, to help him pick up all of the sheets of paper from the 'petition', that he had dropped, and then promptly lost in the wind. Obviously all of this footage was to be scrapped, as other than Jimmy, Garret and Chris making jokes at our expense, nothing much went on. I was about the cut the footage down, before I heard "She's so cute." My eyes widened a little, and Bailey who was listening from the other set of headphones seemed to pay more attention too. 

I watched as Jimmy's eyes widened in the video, clearly having just realized that he'd said that out loud. Chris immediately wolf whistled, and I could see Jimmy's cheeks becoming slightly red, "Shut up." He said to Chris, before immediately changing the subject. I looked over at Bailey who looked disappointed yet again, but I felt a wave of happiness go over me. Even more so when I glanced at the clock and realized that I had to meet Jimmy for lunch in five minutes. 

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