Chapter 21

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Jimmy didn't really live too far away from me, but considering I had never really been anywhere else other than college, or Walmart, it wasn't surprising that I hadn't crossed his path before. Especially as it wasn't even fully sunrise just yet, usually at this time I'd just be getting out of bed. Jimmy had explained that he and his friends often take part in ridiculous challenges, that require them to be up at crazy times in the morning. He also had the same philosophy as me, in which he didn't like to waste a single moment of his day, whether he spends it running errands, or sitting in slime. 

During the car ride, Jimmy pointed out a bunch of different places, where some of his videos had taken place, or where something had happened that just made him laugh. It made me very happy to see him talking about things with such enjoyment, and he just had one of those ways of ensuring you were hooked on every word. Or maybe that was just because I liked looking at him, the way his eyes caught the light, and the way that his lips curled into a smile whenever he spoke about the things he enjoyed. I most definitely had a crush on him. The word made me cringe, it wasn't something I'd had since the first year of high school, and even then it ended just as soon as it started. I hadn't found myself interested in another guy since I'd left home, they all just acted so childish, and I had convinced myself that a boyfriend wasn't an important thing to have. It didn't mean I hadn't found myself with guys, I had been in college after all, but the lack of alcohol made for pretty awkward encounters the next morning. 

This was different though, Jimmy was the first guy that had caught my eye from the first glance, and he'd only become more attractive to me the more I got to know him. And I'd known him for less than a week at this point. "And this is me." Jimmy said, pulling into a driveway of a very nice house. It was rather big, but still looked extremely homely. Even though Jimmy had a lot of money, he really didn't seem like the type of person to show off about it. I knew full well that he could've afforded a much larger house than this, but people don't buy huge houses for the comfort. "Wow." I said, looking at all of the flowers that lined the front garden. "Does it come with a creepy caretaker?" I asked, he shook his head at me, "Nah, that's just yours, I wish it did though." He jumped out of the car, me following suit. "Trust me, you don't. That guy is the epitome of crack cocaine, and he's broken more things than he's fixed." I told him, trying to make a joke out of the scary man that stalks the halls of my building. "Shit, I knew I shouldn't have offered him a job." He told me, walking towards his colorful front door. "Too bad, you're stuck with him now." He chuckled, unlocking the door, and I found myself holding my breath. Jimmy lived on his own, so his house would create a nice insight into who he was, and I was quite looking forward to seeing it. Jimmy let me step inside first, and the first thing that caught my eye was the fluffy carpet that lined the hallway. I had longed to have carpet ever since I started college. Hardwood floor really hurts your feet after a while, especially when it has cracks and bends it. 

I took my shoes off, carefully placing them next to the door, whereas Jimmy just kicked his into the corner, just like I do in my apartment. I was happy to know I wasn't the only one that did that. His house was moderately open plan, the hallway lead straight past the front room, with the kitchen at the end, and the dining room attached. There were no doorways in sight, and it made the place seem a lot bigger. There was a balcony at the top of the staircase, with a wooden rail, that was completely lined with houseplants. It was gorgeous. "God damn." I said, trying to think of something else to add, but I was completely drawing a blank. I found myself spinning in a little circle, taking in my surroundings. There were so many pictures of him and his friends everywhere, and I really appreciated that he was the sentimental type. I would be the same if I had any pictures. "I'm glad you like it." Jimmy said, and it was only then that I realized he was standing there looking at me the whole time. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly, and I just awkwardly smiled at him. "Make yourself at home, I'm just going to have a shower and get changed." He told me, I nodded, "See you soon." He flashed me a cute smile and headed up the stairs. 

This place was wow. Jimmy may be my boss, but I wasn't going to deny myself the chance to have a little snoop. I walked into the living room, taking note of the gigantic TV on the wall, but I was more intrigued by the huge blanket that was thrown over the couch. It looked so soft and warm, and I instantly regretted touching it, because all I could think of was how much I wanted it. I moved on quickly, otherwise there would've been no stopping me from covering myself in it and falling asleep. I couldn't believe Jimmy had happily stayed at mine when he had this to come back to. 

The kitchen was gorgeous, it had marble style counter tops, and a huge double fridge. No wonder Jimmy was good at cooking, I'd want to use this kitchen as much as possible. You could prepare a whole banquet in this place, whereas Jimmy struggled to fit three pans on top of my oven. The light shone over the room from the big set of windows that lined the back wall, causing everything to sparkle slightly. The view however, was a sight to behold. The garden was huge. It had tall, towering trees, and a large, round swimming pool. It was covered at the moment, but I could imagine it was just as gorgeous as the rest of the house. I loved that Jimmy had flowers everywhere, the colors all complimented each other perfectly, and I could imagine the garden would look rather bare without them. Not only that, but there's not many guys in their 20's that would even bother, most wouldn't even bother cutting their lawn. 

I heard Jimmy moving about upstairs, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to sit on the couch in the living room. I didn't want him thinking I was making myself too much at home, well, that, and I really wanted to make use of that blanket. 

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