Chapter 37

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A/N: Laptop charger 3.0 has arrived!

The party raged for hours. It wasn't anything like the college parties I had been too, nor was it a 'grown-up party'. It was the perfect middle ground, and even thought I was stressed about everything, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. 

Jimmy and I had been doing our best attempt at dancing for a little while, and around us the party seemed to diminish. People were leaving slowly but surely, but I didn't want to let Jimmy out of my sight for as long as it would take to check the time. We made quiet conversation the entire time, only stopping to thank people for coming, and soon enough, the only people left were the obnoxiously drunk group of lads, all dancing with each other as they openly mocked Jimmy's two left feet. 

We were trying to ignore them as best as we could, however, one of them would occasionally make a joke that struck both of our drunk minds as hilarious, and we would be forced to laugh, encouraging their behavior even more. It wasn't until Jake fell over, tripping over Garrett's foot, as he tried to pull off a dance move that I personally had never seen before, that we decided to bring the night to an end.

Jimmy rolled his eyes, before removing his warm hands from my hips, to go and help his friend. I took this opportunity to sit down on the couch, and take my phone out of my pocket. I watched as the boys lifted Jake off the ground, chuckling as Chandler almost fell backwards. It was only now I'd stopped moving that I realized how insanely drunk I was. I checked the time a solid four times before I even think I registered that it was almost 2:00 am. 

I leaned my head back against the couch, watching the ceiling as it seemed to spin around. My head seemed to pound as I sensed the start of what would be a hangover when I woke up, and when Jimmy took a seat beside me, I felt my stomach churn at the sudden movement. "Ughh." I moaned, turning to face Jimmy, yet not quite being able to focus on any of his features. "Same." He replied, leaning his head against mine gently. 

"Jimmy!" Chris whined from the other side of the room, propped up against a wall and swaying ever so slightly. "Can we crash here tonight?" He asked. The other boys all agreed with a symphony of whines and drunken groans, as they all sat either on the couch with us, or on the floor. 

I felt Jimmy laugh beside me, causing the couch to shake ever so slightly, and my headache to intensify. "Okay, but you've all got to share the couch, so Y/N can have the spare room." He told them, and I made a sound of disappointment. "What?" He asked, turning to face me, his warm breath causing the air around me to smell of beer. "Let them fight over the spare room." I slurred, "I can sleep in your bed, right?" I asked, leaning my head against his shoulder and closing my eyes. 

He put his arm over my shoulders and pushed me up ever so slightly so he could look in my eyes. "Are you sure?" He asked, appearing more sober now than he had done since we first began drinking. I nodded, my eyes struggling to stay open. "Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" He asked, kissing my forehead. I shook my head, my ears ringing as I heard multiple wolf whistles. I leaned forwards, looking past Jimmy at the group of drunk idiots, all with shit eating grins on their faces. 

"I forgot you guys were here for a minute." I told them, they're smiles soon turning into expressions of fake sadness. "Ouch." Chris said, sarcastically holding his heart and wiping a tear from his eye. I rolled my eyes at him, or at least tried my best to, but I was so tired it felt like my eyeballs were scraping against my skull. "Alright you two lovebirds," Chandler piped up, "go and get laid so we can go to sleep." He said, falling on the couch next to Jimmy, pushing him with his back as if to force him off his bed for the night. 

I felt my cheeks burning as I registered what Chandler had just said. Jimmy, on the other hand, was a lot less subtle, and punched Chandler straight in the arm. "OW!" He yelled, turning to punch Jimmy back, but due to the angle he was at, he completely missed and hit the cushion of the couch. "Okay, okay, we're going." Jimmy said, offering his hand out to me as he stood up. I took it gratefully, and not a second after I had risen to my feet, Chandler had laid back fully, and placed his legs on Jake's lap, who now looked to be asleep. 

"Goodnight, boys." Jimmy said as he led me towards the bottom of the stairs. Chris and Garrett followed behind us on their way to the spare room and flicked the light off behind them. There was merely a grunt in response, and I couldn't tell who it came from. 

I had been offered a night in the spare room a couple of times now, only ever when the other guys were here too, otherwise I'm sure things between Jimmy and I would've moved along a little bit by now. I don't think Chandler knows how much of a cock block he can be, as he was almost always the one who was with us every time Jimmy offered, and always made the atmosphere surrounding the question so awkward, preventing me from saying yes, and by default, preventing us from ever having a private conversation, or moment. 

Jimmy lead me towards his room, and we said goodnight to the two boys supporting each other as they walked down the hall. He gestured for me to go in first, and I did, no longer thinking about being uncomfortable, and decided that the best course of action was to jump face first onto Jimmy's bed, landing directly on the pillow. I heard him close the door into the room, and open his closet. I was too tired to even bother looking up, until I heard his footsteps approaching a couple minutes later. 

"Hmmm?" I asked, as he stopped in front of me, my eyes reopening ever so slightly, trying to avoid letting in any light. "I thought you might want these." He asked, gesturing to the items of clothing in his arms. I sat up cautiously, not wanting to disturb the copious amounts of alcohol I had drank, and throw up and embarrass myself. "Shirt and shorts." Jimmy said, a rather adorable and proud smile on his face as he presented them to me. 

"Thank you." I told him, taking the items from him and standing up. I placed my free hand on the back of his neck, and pulled him down towards me. I rested my forehead against his for a second, trying to look cute, when in reality I was just using him to lean on to stop myself from falling. He smiled at me, before closing the gap between us and kissing me. It was slow, and passionate, and I was so happy. 

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