Chapter 36

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Jimmy took my hand as he led me out of the room, taking no care to hide the fact that he was doing it, which made me smile. Even as we approached the balcony, in which everyone downstairs would have been able to see my hand in his, instead of letting go, he simply squeezed my hand as if he was offering comfort. 

As soon as we reached the top of the staircase, the people downstairs erupted, all simultaneously shouting "Suprise!" It still made me jump, even though I was half expecting it, so it gave me the perfect opportunity to act as though this party was actually a surprise party. I shot everyone a huge smile, scanning the moderately sized crowd, who were all looking up at Jimmy and I. I saw plenty of familiar faces, most of whom were from work, and a couple of others I'd met through Jimmy but didn't actually work with us. The people standing at the forefront of the group, were - of course - Chris, Jake, Chandler and Garrett. Chandler had a huge grin his face, and when I caught his eye, it seemed to get even bigger, cheekier, and his face seemed to present the idea that he knew something. His eyes darted down to Jimmy's hand in mine, and back up at my face, and he winked. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing that Chandler was under the impression that he'd figured it out himself, even though Jimmy and I were being less than secretive about the whole thing. 

The descent down the staircase seemed to take even longer due to the fact that everyone was staring at me, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I took each step. Even though I knew everyone here, embarrassment was a thing, and the possibility of falling down the stairs in front of all of these people was very real. I held Jimmy's hand tighter, and he offered me another reassuring squeeze, as we rounded the end of the banister, finally finding flat ground. It was at that moment that I was jumped by about 20 people all hugging me, or patting me on the shoulder, and congratulating me on my results, of which I still didn't know what the outcome was. Jimmy stayed by my side, greeting people, and giving a select few people sarcastic warnings about not breaking things, or staying away from the alcohol. 

We must have been greeting people for several minutes, my hand enclosed in his the whole time. I looked up at him at one point, and he was looking down at me, a smile on his face. "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, what did you get anyway?" He said, turning to face me fully as the guests made their way back over to the main area of the party. I dropped my shoulders and rolled my head back in exasperation "I haven't even looked yet." I told him, dreading his next question.

"It doesn't matter anyway." He told me, squeezing my hand yet again. "You're one of the best editors I've had in a while, and the shirts you've designed so far are incredible." I bumped my shoulder into his, "Shut up." I said jokingly, "I wish I'd have met you before I went to college, then I wouldn't have had to take any exams." I added, as he lead me towards the congregation of people. He laughed loudly, causing Chandler's head to turn towards us from across the room, "Back when I was doing Minecraft?" He asked, I shook my head, "Oh yeah! Your Minecraft videos are my favorite." I told him, trying to sound completely serious as I watched his face contort into a look of feigned shock. "Well my favorite videos are the ones that you're in." He whispered, just as Chandler reached us.

"So what's going on here?" Chandler asked, a wide grin on his face as his eyes flitted between the two of us. I smiled at him, not saying anything as I just watched him get slightly more excited by the second. Jimmy seemed to be doing the same thing, as he hadn't spoken a word to Chandler either, and when I looked up at him, he was giving him the same mischievous smile as I was. "Come on, don't leave me hanging!" Chandler whined, swaying slightly as he'd clearly had something to drink. "I've been trying to get you two together since you first met!" He said, almost pleading with Jimmy. "That's why you've been so strange sometimes!" I exclaimed, the oddly specific questions and strange scenarios Chandler had put me through now making sense. Also, his constant need to be a total cock block whenever Jimmy and I were alone together. He nodded erratically, his smile widening, and before I knew it he was pulling Jimmy and I into a tight hug. "This is my creation." He whispered to both of us, the smell of beer filling the air. Jimmy patted him on the back, "Glad you're having a good time, you strange man." He told him, breaking away from the hug, and instead of returning his hand to mine, he put his arm around my waist. My stomach flipped as I felt his fingers slightly pull the fabric of my dress. 

The next thing I knew, Chandler had appeared behind us, and was pushing us further into the crowd, towards the other group of boys. "Guys! I have news." He shouted, just ask we walked past the speakers that were blaring music. Any normal person at that moment, would have been drowned out, Chandler however, was loud enough to be heard a mile away, drawing the attention of almost everyone in the room. He seemed to realize this as he caught the eye of several people all now staring at him, I laughed as he simply put his finger to his lips, and ducked down as he continued the small walk towards our destination.

"What's your news, Chandler?" Chris asked, considerably a lot more sober than the rest of the group. Chandler stood to the side, and gestured with great big open arms to Jimmy and I. The group seemed confused for a minute, "You've only just figured it out?" Garrett asked Chandler, giving him a rather puzzled expression, before pulling something up on his phone. He showed Chandler, Jimmy and I a text that Jake had sent to the group a little while ago. It was a sequence of emojis, a boy, a girl, and a love heart. I rolled my eyes at Jake, to which he simply replied "I didn't tell them, they figured it out." I sighed before giving him a smile to let him know I wasn't in any way annoyed. Chandler however, was so confused. "That could've meant anything!" He exclaimed, at which point Garrett pointed to the next text, which was sent by Chris reading "Jimmy and Y/N?" , swiftly followed by Jake replying with one of those smirk emojis. Chandler looked so disappointed, "So I'm the last to know?" He asked, his puppy dog eyes looking up at Jimmy with desperation to be told he wasn't. "I don't know, Chandler, you seemed to know things were going on long before we did." He told him, winking as he gave him a pat him on the back. 

"Well now it's a celebration." Chris said, raising his drink in the air. 

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