Chapter 38

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We slept beside each other that night, the only form of intimacy that was shared was his arm wrapped around my waist and his breath on my neck. I almost fell asleep a bunch of times, but I was so scared about snoring, or doing that weird twitchy thing and embarrassing myself, that I probably only slept for about twenty minutes at a time, and each time I woke up, my headache was getting worse and worse. 

I looked at the clock on Jimmy's beside table, watching at the minutes changed quicker than I wanted them too. "Why does he have to be such a quiet sleeper?" I thought to myself, as the sound of either Chris or Garrett's snoring reached my ears from down the hall. "Well at least he's not that loud." 

I bit the side of my cheek as I thought about what to do. I hadn't slept in such a close proximity with a guy I actually cared about before, and it was a totally different experience. Why was I so self conscious all of a sudden. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, before deciding that I wasn't comfortable. I leaned back into Jimmy, nudging him with my shoulder ever so slightly to wake him up a little bit.

"Hey." I whispered, nudging him again. His eyes flickered open slightly, reflecting the slightest bit of light coming from the glowing green of his digital clock. "Hey, beautiful." He whispered, kissing my eyebrow in the dark. "Do you mind if I sleep facing the other way?" I asked, poking at his arm around my waist. I would've moved without waking him, but then his breath would've been aimed at my face, which would've been annoying. "Oh, you want me to be the little spoon?" He asked, and I could hear in his words that he had a smile plastered on his face. "Shut up." I whispered, tapping him slightly on the back of his hand. "But yes, yes I do." I giggled. 

"I'll do it for a kiss." He told me, turning me to face him a bit more. I couldn't see any of his facial features at all, so blindly went in, kissing him first on the nose, and then - after laughing - on the lips. He pressed his lips against my eyebrow once more, probably aiming for my forehead, but missing, and turned to face the other way. I put my arm around his waist, and tucked my legs in to fit behind his. 

"By the way," he whispered, "I would've done it without a kiss. I love being the little spoon." He chuckled. I squeezed him tightly, and his arm wrapped around mine, and he intertwined our fingers. I smiled the biggest smile I've ever achieved in my life, and almost immediately drifted off into an uninterrupted sleep.

I'd like to say that I woke up next to Jimmy in a calm and peaceful manner, but what actually happened was worthy of a heart attack, and most definitely caused my hangover to intensify by 100%. 

I couldn't tell who it was, but there were multiple pairs of fists pounding against the bedroom door, with such force, that it almost caused me to flip backwards out of the bed. "Y/N! Jimmy! You better be decent!" Chris shouted through the - probably destroyed - door. Jimmy groaned next to me, his eyes not quite as wide as mine, which made me wonder if this was a usual occurrence. Just as I laid my head back into my pillow, the door swung open, revealing Chris, Chandler and Garret. Chandler had his hand over his eyes, which might have been considered polite, if it weren't for the nature in which they had just woken us up. 

"How are you guys not dead?" Jimmy slurred, rubbing his eyes with his fingers as if to push away the headache. I saw Garrett shrug, and Chris replied, "We're not lightweights like you." I chuckled, watching Chandler as he peeked at us through his fingers, and once he was satisfied that we weren't naked, he removed his hand from his face. "Jake made us breakfast." He said, "And then we've all gotta go and get packed for our trip tomorrow." Chris added. Jimmy groaned again, pulling his pillow out from behind him and slamming it on top of his face. "Alright!" He shouted, although it was muffled by the fabric. "Let us get changed and we'll be down." He added, throwing the pillow at the group of boys, who unfortunately had began to close the door before it reached them.

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