Chapter 44

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The next stop on our trip was where we were going to be camping for the night. It wasn't an official campsite, but a few of the locals had already walked past, whilst our tents had been spread out on the floor, and didn't particularly pay us any mind. Jimmy had ensured us that even if they did, there are no laws here, to which Garrett responded, "Yeah, but that also means that if they do have a problem, they can just beat the shit out of us." 

"Can we just stop talking about getting stabbed or beaten up now please?" Chandler exclaimed, clearly looking more and more distressed whenever someone piped up with a comment like that.

I patted him on the arm in an attempt to comfort him, to which he responded with a beaming smile.

Chris was currently making huge progress in putting one of the tents up, whilst Jimmy, Garrett, Chandler and I were stood around the flat sheet of fabric in front of us, that hadn't moved for 20 minutes. Tareq was taking the piss out of all of us from behind the camera, and making references to the time Chris had previously saved their lives when they were staying on a desert island. 

I held a tent pole in my hand, trying to put it together but failing due to the huge dents and bends in the metal. "Chris!" Garrett shouted as he dropped his corner of the tent and pulled the ex-boy scout over to us by his sleeve.

The tent was put up pretty quickly after that, with a couple of zigzags in the fabric, but nothing that would cause any of us any problem. "So who's rooming with who?" Chandler asked, winking at Jimmy, who still had his arm around my waist. 

"Well obviously Jimmy and Y/N." Chris said, "And I want to room with Garrett because he doesn't snore." he added, to which Chandler pulled a face.

"I don't snore." He told him, a smile appearing on his face, as he knew he was lying.

"Bollocks." Tareq said, "I call Chris' tent, it looks less likely to fall down." 

"I guess that leaves me as a third wheel." Chandler said, his eyebrows jumping up and down at us as he gave us a borderline creepy smile.

"You can spoon me." Jimmy said, smiling back at him as he gave me a squeeze, "And I can spoon you." he added.

"Cringey mother fucker." I told him, nudging my shoulder into his. "You and your boyfriend can spoon each other." I laughed, winking at him.

"You guys are gross." Chris said, chucking his stuff into his tent. 

We sat around for a little while after setting up our sleeping bags. Chris was setting up the things to cook our food, and after discovering that the little camp stove we'd got at Walmart on the way here didn't work, we all went out to find some wood for a fire. It took an awfully long time, and Chris was complaining about being sick every five minutes which made all of us feel bad, but whenever anyone went to help him set up the fire, they quickly discovered Chris knew how to do things a lot better than the rest of us. 

I felt Jimmy's arm wrap around my waist again, a little bit tighter than before, and when I looked up at him, his eyesight was locked on something to the right of us.

"I take it you guys just got here, huh?" A man said as he walked towards us.

I couldn't help but feel so overwhelmed by how sweet it was that Jimmy had put his arm around me as soon as he had noticed the guy. It was as if he wanted to ensure I knew I was safe with him around, and it made me so happy.

"Yeah" Jimmy replied to the man, a huge smile on his face, as always.

Chris asked if there was a problem with us camping there, as the thought had been at the forefront of most of our minds since before we'd even got here.

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