Chapter 12

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I went to bed, feeling nothing but pure happiness running through my veins, I felt like I was high on excitement, and nothing was going to bring me down.

I woke up at the usual time for me, at 7:00, throwing myself out of bed with a spring in my step. I practically jumped into the shower, cleaning myself whilst also singing my own interpretation of the lyrics to a song I'd heard played on the radio recently. I was never good at making out what the correct lyrics were, nor was I particularly good at singing, but it was still something I did when I was happy. 

I got dressed into some comfy trousers and a loose shirt, I didn't have to go anywhere, so there was no point. I pulled the rest of my clothes that I'd hung up yesterday off the drying rack, hanging them in my closet, and putting my shirt and trousers that I was going to wear tomorrow at the front. My stomach flipping in excitement yet again, as I thought of the events that would take place tomorrow. I wanted to look good for my first day, there were still lots of Jimmy's friends that I hadn't met, and I wanted to make a good first impression. 

I made my way into the living room, realizing that I hadn't cleaned up after last nights events. The wine glasses on the table were still there, surrounded by all of the 'presents' Jimmy had gotten me. I still hadn't gotten over how much he'd done for me, and last night I found myself thinking up different things that I could do to make it up to him, but until I got my first paycheck, there was nothing I could do. 

I picked up the glasses and took them over to the sink, my stomach making the strangest noises, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything yesterday. For the first time in my life, I had too much choice over what to have to eat, but all I could think about was the barbecue chicken pizza that Jimmy told me was his favorite. It did look good, almost too good to have been left hidden away in the freezer. I turned the oven on as my stomach simultaneously made another loud growl. The ten minutes for the oven to heat up felt like hours, I was so absolutely starving.

Pizza may not be the first choice of food when it came thinking of what makes a good breakfast, but I wasn't complaining in any way. I sat and ate, savoring every slice, wholeheartedly agreeing with the statements that Jimmy had made yesterday. The barbecue sauce wasn't too overpowering, the chicken wasn't dry in any way, and there wasn't an overload of random vegetables. I would always take a home cooked meal over a frozen one, but I wasn't in any mood to make anything today, I just wanted the day to pass, and tomorrow to begin. 

Once I had finished my pizza, I decided to put another load of washing on. It was better to have more than enough clean clothes, especially as I don't want to be seen wearing the same T-Shirt more than once in a week. I plumped up the cushions on the couch and the chair, making them look neat. Not that it mattered, as no one would see them before I sat down on them again, it just gave me peace of mind. As I fluffed the cushion that Jimmy had sat on, my foot kicked the bag that had carried all of the stuff he'd brought me. I picked it up, the sudden weight of it causing me to realize that there was still something in the bottom. I reached in, pulling out a little envelope. It had my name on the front, with a little 'x' just after it, causing a small smile to appear on my face. 

I flipped the envelope over, pulling the top out from under the bottom, and pulled the card out. On the card, in big bold letters, it said "Congratulations!", and just underneath that, was a little cartoon bunny, sitting among some flowers, wearing a little sunhat. It was cute, and it made me smile even more. I opened the card, looking at the boyish handwriting on the right hand side. 

"Dear Y/N,

I saw this cute card, and it made me think of you, so here you go!


We're so excited to have you working with us, 

Love from the MrBeast team x"

On the left hand side of the card, multiple people had signed it, all putting little x's or smiley faces next the their names. There were a few that I recognized, like Chris and Chandler. Jake had put a little viking hat next to his name, and Tareq had put "(the guy that pushed you over, sorry)" underneath his. It was so lovely and thoughtful, and it made me even more excited for tomorrow. Jimmy had signed it right in the middle, putting multiple x's next to his name. I smiled and placed the card upright on the table. 

I sat down on the sofa, moving the envelope for the card out from underneath me, realizing that there was something else in it. How was it possible for Jimmy to keep surprising me even though he wasn't even here? It was another little envelope, and I excitedly ripped the paper apart, revealing a sleek little black card, inside there was a $250 amazon gift card, with a little note saying 'Treat yourself x'. He really had done too much for me, and I hoped he would stop otherwise there would be no chance in me ever showing him how grateful I am. I was already struggling with  ideas as it was, nothing quite seemed good enough, and with each little gift, even more ideas were wiped off the table. 

I looked at the expensive items on the table in front of me, getting a little excited thinking about setting all of them up and trying them for the first time. I grabbed the small box, perched on top of the pile, and pulled the top off, revealing the sleek black phone underneath. It was so shiny and new, nothing like my old phone, which gave me a shock when it continued working after it was dropped from such a height. I took the phone out gently, the cold metal sending a slight shiver through my hand. Underneath the phone, there was a little slip of paper, which simply read "Jimmy", with a sequence of numbers underneath.

I smiled, knowing that he would be the first person I text.

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