Chapter 40

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A/N: I'm going to upload the first chapter of my next book now, because I'm really enjoying writing it, and I can't wait until this one ends. Feel free to check it out! 

We spent the next couple of hours packing up a few of my things, clothes, laptop, shower things, and some food that we could cook on a fire tomorrow, which mainly consisted of eggs and a few rashers of bacon. The whole situation really made me realize how many things I owned that I didn't particularly want anymore. I was very thankful I would be moving in with Jimmy for the time being, because my furniture was mostly second hand, and I wouldn't be seen dead carrying half of it outside the apartment. The couch in particular had cigarette burns all over it from one of it's previous owners. It was the perfect time to purge my life of all the clothes and other such items in which I never wore, and almost every time Jimmy asked "Do I need this?" I just replied saying "Ew no.", so it was safe to say that I was happy when we were done.

We collapsed on the couch after we'd shoved most of my things in a couple of bags and taken them to the car, leaving only one bag left which contained things for our trip tomorrow. "I thought this would be a bigger job." I told Jimmy, taking his hand in mine as we stared at the blank screen on my TV, the natural light in the room fading by the second as the sun began to set. "So did I." He said, "I've never met a girl with such a large amount of things, but nothing she actually wants." I laughed, leaning into him "Well there's still a few more things, but I can finally afford to buy myself new clothes now I've got a proper job." I told him, "And I can afford to take you out of something to repay you for everything you've done." I added, to which Jimmy simply laughed, "I don't need you to pay for anything, I could sit in a trash can with you and I'd be having the time of my life. You've already given me everything I wanted." Jimmy told me, removing his hand from mine and bringing his arm over my shoulders. "I don't want you ever thinking you owe me anything." He said as he kissed my temple, causing the already huge smile on my face to grow even wider. "And so have you, Jimmy." I said, tilting my head upwards and returning his kiss. "Now, do you fancy coming back to mine and helping me pack?" He asked, and my mind instantly went back to the joke I made earlier, "Is that what the kids are calling in nowadays?" I asked, giving him an over the top wink. "Get your mind out of the gutter." He replied.

Instead of helping Jimmy pack, he helped me unload all of my clothes into the set of drawers in the spare room, then we ordered pizza. The time went by so fast, that it was near enough 10:00 p.m. before we even started sorting through Jimmy's clothes. We had to leave at 4:00 a.m. the next day, so we'd already resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to be tired, but we hadn't quite taken into account how late we had woken up today, leaving us both pretty much wide awake at 1:00 a.m.. 

"What else do we need to do?" I asked Jimmy, as we lay on the couch together, the soft blanket pulled over both of us. I felt Jimmy shrug, "I don't know really." He said, "There's a couple tents that we're gonna take, in the shed, but the boys will just grab those tomorrow." he checked his phone, "Or today." he added, surprised at the time, even though we both knew it would be way too late to go to sleep anyway. I groaned, snuggling into Jimmy's side and adjusting my head on the cushion I had laid on his chest. "Does that mean we have to go to bed now?" I asked, trying to hold in a yawn, but failing. "I suppose so." Jimmy replied, yawning even louder than I had. "Or can we just stay here?" I asked.

The next thing I knew, I was being shouted at, "WAKE UP!" the sound reverberated around the room and startled both Jimmy and I. I braced myself as I heard footsteps coming into the room, my half-asleep brain knowing that the sound would happen again. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS." Chandler shouted, almost right next to us this time. I heard Jimmy groan, a typical response from him whenever he's woken up it seemed, "What time is it?" He asked, his voice rough and deep, making my stomach do flips. "It's 3:30." Chandler replied, a huge smile plastered on his face as always, making me wonder if this boy was ever in a bad mood. Jimmy groaned again, moving to sit himself up slowly, causing me to do the same. "Two hours ain't bad." I joked, yawning for added effect. He smiled at me, his eyes still full of the dreams he was having, "It was better than spending the night in a pool of slime." He told me. "I can imagine." I replied.

It was at this point Chandler made us aware of his presence again, "You two are just so cute." He laughed, his voice almost teasing. I smiled at him, "Where's everyone else?" I asked, knowing they were all going to meet us here. "They're all packing the truck." He said, "I did knock but there was no answer, so Chris let me use your spare key." I smiled at him, happy that Jimmy and I had fallen asleep on the couch, otherwise Chandler would have been teasing us about a lot more than just 'being cute', he was hardly subtle after he got a thought in his head. I stood up, instantly being hit by the wall of cold air as soon as I did. Jimmy groaned again, sarcastically reaching for the blanket that I had just removed from both of us. "Come on you." I told him, yawning for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. "We can sleep in the car." I added, grabbing both his hands and pulling him off the couch.

I was thankful Jimmy had separate bathrooms, otherwise we either would've been fighting over the shower, or would've had to share one. It may not have sounded too bad in my head, but I knew that neither of us would live it down, seeing as Chandler seemed to be acting as his usual cock block self. Plus, we had to be quick seeing as we woke up way too late. 

I decided not to put any make-up on, I assumed it would just get smudged in the car, and if I didn't sleep in the car, I knew I would definitely sleep on the plane. I heard a knock at the door, "You ready, love?" Jimmy called, and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks at the name he had decided to call me. I found myself not entirely knowing what to say in response, so I simply made my way over to the door and joined him on the other side. I leaned up to kiss him, "I'm ready.", and entwined my fingers in his.

"So cute." Chandler said, from downstairs, somehow knowing what we were doing.

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