Chapter 29

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A/N Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. I hope you've all had a great time with whatever you've been doing, thank you so much for reading my story!

We continued with our conversation for a little while longer, and soon enough the beers ran out and the clock reached a time that I hadn't seen in years. I felt my eyelids getting heavier, and heavier, and soon enough I fell asleep. The feeling of Jimmy's thumb moving back and forth over the little area of my leg pushing me deeper into dreamland.

When I woke up, I was alone, the light seeping into the room through the curtains, and making the place seem a whole lot more homely than it did before. There was a pressure on me, and I soon realized that it was the long awaited comfort of the soft blanket I had been craving ever since I first laid my fingers on it. It took me a few minutes to piece together what had happened last night, and I definitely didn't remember anyone else leaving or going to bed. Due to my positioning on the couch though, I was glad that I was alone, I would most definitely have pushed Chandler off the end, and I think my face would've ended up on Jake's lap. Speaking of which, there were definitely some crumbs on the couch, as when I moved my head I could hear it crunch. I grabbed a cushion from behind me and put it under my head, pulling the cover over me even more. "Hey sleepyhead." I heard from the hallway. I looked up, my eyes still blurry from my sleep, and my head pounding from the alcohol. "Too early, Chandler." I said. The tall man with the cheeky grin just giggled, and headed towards the kitchen.

I knew that it wouldn't just be me and Jimmy, Chandler was definitely on the same level of intoxication as we were. However, Jake had sobered up a little by the time I fell asleep, and I didn't know if he was going to have gone home or not. Chandler came back into the front room, a glass of water in his hand and some painkillers in the other. "Here you go." He said, putting them down on the table in front of me. "Thank you." I told him, pulling myself more upright, but still making sure I was mostly laying down. I think standing up at this point would tip me over the edge, and my head would explode. I popped out a couple of painkillers from the pack, and found myself downing the water. Alcohol always made me feel so dehydrated. "How are you feeling?" I asked Chandler, as he sat on the other end of the couch. "A hell of a lot better than you." He told me. "Although you were a lot more drunk than I was." He said. "I wasn't that bad was I?" I asked, rubbing my eyes, still struggling to see straight, the light from the curtains causing my head to spin. Chandler laughed, almost as if he was reminiscing. "You don't remember?" He asked, and I replied with a confused look. "I don't know if it was you being drunk or being half asleep, but you totally asked Jimmy if you could go to bed with him." Chandler told me. My eyes widened as I tried to remember what he was talking about. "What the fuck?" I asked. "Yeah you fell asleep, and then we all decided we were going to bed. When we moved you sort of woke up and asked what we were doing. Jimmy said he was going to bed, and you asked "What do I have to do for you to take me with you?" - or something like that, and then started laughing." He told me, I felt mortified, "Oh my god." I said, putting my head in my hands, rubbing my temples as my hangover seemed to worsen. "Well I had to convince him not to let you, he was pretty smashed too." Chandler said, seemingly enjoying my embarrassment. "Thank you." I told him, hoping he knew I was being serious. I did like Jimmy, and I wasn't going to ruin my chances by waking up in the same bed as him, after being as drunk as we were. Who knows what would've happened?

"Morning." I heard from the hallway, I didn't even move my head, I knew it was Jimmy, and I didn't want to even look at him right now. Hopefully he didn't remember anything about that either, but I'm sure Chandler would clue him in at some point. "Morning, Jimmy." I said, "Sorry I fell asleep on your couch." I told him. He laughed, signalling that he wasn't feeling half as shit as I was. "That's okay, I like the company." He told me, before coming to join us both on the sofa. He looked at me, still rubbing my temples. "Hungover?" He asked, and I nodded. "Well I suppose that means I'm making you breakfast." He said, "Again." I glanced up, looking at Chandler, as I knew he'd have a reaction to being proven right after putting two and two together yesterday. I was right, he had a smug grin on his face, and when he saw me looking at him, he just raised his eyebrows up and down a bunch of times. I gave him a pained smile, and turned my attention to Jimmy. "That would be absolutely amazing, I owe you though." I told him, surprised that I could even think of food right now. Breakfast food had always been a brilliant hangover cure, and I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to have this headache helped. Whether my stomach was filled with alcohol and pizza or not.

"Anything for you." He winked, chuckling as he stood up. I didn't know if he was flirting with me, or if he was generally just treating me like a good friend. Either way, I was happy, and if it meant that he was cooking me breakfast and keeping me company, I'd happily stay here hungover for the rest of my life.

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