Chapter 30

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A/N: Hey guys, I've been away on holiday for the last week, with no internet. It did almost kill me, but I'm back, and to make it up to you, here are the next three chapters. Happy New Year to you all :) 

The next couple of weeks were pretty much the same. I spent almost no time at my apartment, I was either at work, or at Jimmy's. Although I found that since Jimmy and I found out that we both get a little randy when drunk, we hadn't spent the night at each others house. It was a kind of unspoken rule, even if it was really late, Jimmy would give me a lift home, or would leave to go back to his house. We had gotten very close though, and by default, I'd gotten very close with all of his friends. 

If I wasn't spending time with Jimmy, I was spending my time with Chandler, Chris, or Jake. I would've thought that we would've all gotten sick of each other, but it was quite the opposite. I still felt as though they were trying to push Jimmy and I towards each other, but no one seemed to realize that by spending time with both of us, they were also acting as cock blocks. It felt as though every time Jimmy and I were getting physically close, a phone call or a knock at the door interrupted us. And it was almost always Chandler. 

On this particular evening, a Friday night, two weeks after our drunk movie night, I was being driven home by Jimmy, who seemed to be a little more tired than usual. It was to be expected, we had spent the whole day filming a video, in which we were buying everything in a store. We were making a backlog of videos to post, and on Monday we were going to Slab City overnight. I was looking forward to it, more so the fact that we were all planning to share tents. But right now, Jimmy was yawning, and as much as I wanted to spend more time with him, I'd be spending a lot of time with him next week. On top of that, I get my exam results from college tomorrow, and Jimmy said we'd go out and celebrate if I did well. To be perfectly honest, I didn't care if I did or didn't do well anymore. I'd already landed my dream job, and I was happy.

"What you thinking about?" Jimmy asked, his words slow and monotonous, yet he still had a hint of a smile on his face. "Nothing, it's just been a nice day." I told him, watching as the trees passed by the window, the moonlight poking through them, and the roads glistening with ice. I felt his hand on my knee, and my stomach flipped. "It really has." He told me, his thumb stroking back and forth just like it was two weeks ago, yet somehow it felt more intimate, maybe due to the fact that we were alone for the first time in a while. I wished this moment would last forever, but I saw the sign for my street coming up in the distance, and just as I was about to put my hand on top of Jimmy's, his phone rang, and his hand was pulled away. Typical. I saw Jimmy roll his eyes, indicating that he too had noticed that this always happens. "It's Chandler." I said, looking at his phone mounted on the dashboard. He nodded, and swiped at the screen, Chandler's voice came through on the blue tooth. "Hey Jimmy!" He exclaimed, "Hey Chan." Jimmy replied, indicating to turn down my road. "So what's the plan tomorrow night?" Chandler asked, before chewing what sounded like chips, it sounded awful coming through the speakers. "Not a good time Chandler." Jimmy said, seeming a lot more awake than he was a moment ago. "Oh, are you not home yet?" He asked, and Jimmy shook his head in mock annoyance. He shot me a look, and I just smiled at him. "Not yet." He said, cringing at the sounds of chewing. "Shit, sorry, hi Y/N." Chandler said, before hanging up the phone. "What was that about?" I asked Jimmy, as he pulled up in front of my apartment building. He yawned, rather dramatically, and just the slightest bit fraudulent. He didn't answer the question, and I found myself a little confused as to why not. "Sorry I'm just so tired." He told me, yawning again, but this time it was real. I smiled at him, trying to hide the worry I had about what Chandler was talking about. Maybe I shouldn't have been worried at all, but it was the first time that they had openly made plans without me, and had tried to hide the fact that they were doing anything in the first place. "That's okay, just don't fall asleep on the drive home." I told him, and he nodded. "I'll call you tomorrow?" He asked, and I nodded, opening the door and stepping out of the car. "Speak to you tomorrow, Jimmy." I told him, closing the door a little too abruptly. 

He waved at me as he drove off, and as I turned to enter the apartment building, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of sadness. I knew I was over thinking things, and that nothing was wrong, nor did Jimmy do anything wrong, but it would've been nice if he'd have just said "Nothing." or "Just Chandler being Chandler.", but he didn't, he just avoided the question. I shook my head trying to clear the thoughts from my mind, to no avail. 

As I walked up to my apartment, I kept my head down, feeling eyes on me through the peepholes that lined my hallway, most of the people that lived around me were paranoid due to their drug habits, and on more than one occasion had shouted at me for being 'nosy', just because I had looked somewhere other than the floor. I reached my apartment, and was greeted by a big piece of red paper taped to the seam of my door. "Eviction Notice." Fuck. My eyes scanned over the piece of paper, and I felt the pit in my stomach growing. The whole building was being knocked down, and safe to say, I wasn't exactly surprised. There were more hazards in a one by one inch square of this building, than I'd seen anywhere I'd lived before. 

I didn't get paid for another week, and I still owed a months rent on this place, there was no chance I'd be able to put a deposit down somewhere else, as I hadn't even worked a full month with Jimmy. Maybe he'd be able to give me an advance or something, I'd have to talk to him about it, but I didn't want him to think I was begging, or fishing for money. I sighed and pushed the door open, breaking the paper in half. No avoiding it now. I had two week to clear my stuff out. Not a lot of time, but I wasn't going to dispute it. This place was completely and utterly a shit hole, and no matter where I went, I would be happy to get away from it.

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