Chapter 3 - Drama

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It was about two weeks later and Maya was finally home after a long process of healing.
Wednesday, 25 October 2016 11:25 am.
Katy opens the door of the two bedroom apartment as Shawn helped Maya to walk.
She was still very weak and did need a bit of support.
She hasn't actually spoken to anyone about the accident and wasn't planning on it.
She didn't want to pour her heart out.
She wanted her best friend.
But neither Shawn or Katy knew how to handle her.

"Home sweet home," Katy said.
"Okay so what do you want to do? Do you want to watch television or..."

Maya pulled her away from Shawn and rushed to her room.
She didn't want to see anyone right now.
She really just wanted to get everything done with.
She has to face a lot of people and she has no idea how she can do it.

Shawn and Katy were amazed at how she was acting and just wanted everything to be over with.
Why is she acting like that?
Or maybe they shouldn't wonder.
She just lost her best friend and people she has known for quite a few years.

Joshua Matthews was sitting at Topanga's Café trying to get work done which he had scheduled for when he was in the hospital.
His recovery was fortunately very quick and he could go on with his life.
Or so he thought.
Everywhere he looked he saw memories of his brother and Riley.
He couldn't believe that they are dead.
He buried his brother, sister-in-law and niece a week ago.
It still hadn't sunk in for many people and is going to take awhile.
Shawn walks in the bakery and immediately Josh sees him.

"Shawn! Do you have a second?" Josh asked.
"Yeah. How is Auggie doing?" Shawn asked.
"He is with my parents in Philadelphia. Anyway, I don't want to talk about my cousin. How is Maya doing?" Josh asked.
"We took her home today after she woke up two weeks ago. When we walked into the apartment she pulled away from me and ran to her room. Don't think she is handling it very well. What do I expect?"
"It's been hitting Auggie hard as well. My parents asked me to come through this weekend to see if I can help but I can't go until I'm sure what Maya feels. I feel terrible that she missed the funeral. She deserves to be able to say goodbye in her own way. Don't know if she feels like it. She is probably still mourning," Josh said.
"Pretty much, yeah. But pop in tonight or sometime. She really does need some support," Shawn said.
"I will. Just say when. I'll help gladly," Josh said.
"Come over for dinner tomorrow night. It's nothing big but maybe it will help to know she has someone. I don't know how to handle her and her mother has been absent her entire life," Shawn said.
"Send me the address then I'll see you guys tomorrow. I have to go. Send regards to Katy," Josh said and was gone.

"Josh Matthews is coming tomorrow for dinner. Maybe he can help with Maya," Shawn said.
"I don't need someone's help with my daughter. I can manage on my..."
"You can't. You didn't build up the relationship you should have with Maya when she was younger. Topanga Matthews was more of a mother to her than you. Face it Katy. You can do nothing for your daughter," Shawn said and Katy slapped him through the face.

Maya saw the entire story as she was heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
Shawn and Katy looks at each other as neither say a word.
Katy throws her engagement ring on the table as Shawn picks it up again.
As he lifts his head he sees Maya and his eyes widenes.

"Maya," Shawn said and Katy turned around.
"It isn't what it..." Katy tried saying but then Maya disappeares to her room.

She didn't want anything to do with the argument.
She slams the door before locking it.
Tears come streaming down her face and she tries to catch her breathe.
She hears knocking and both her mother and Shawn's voices.
She doesn't open.
She can't possibly face either right now.
She can't.
She just has to be alone for a second.

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