Chapter 14 - Caring

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It was half past one the afternoon and Maya walked into the bakery.
It wasn't empty like Mr Matthew's classroom.
It was packed like always.
But Maya's mother saw her instantly.

"Why are you here?" Katy asked.
"Early dismissal. Can I have some pea soup?" Maya asked.
"Sure. I'll get you. We just made fresh," Katy said.

Maya sat down in her and Riley's regular spot remembering what she had actually got when they were there.
Maya and everyone else would buy smoothies before chatting their day away.
From two-thirty till five they'll just talk.
Kary came with Maya's soup and smiled.
Maya started to eat and then Josh came.

"You know I have always wondered how you manage to stay so skinny while my sister-in-law cooks delicious food. Now I know. You, Maya Hart, lives off soup," Josh said before sitting down next to Maya.
"Yeah well it is days like today where I need to just go back in time. My day back at school wasn't as great as I wanted it to be. They completely took away your brother's class and all my friends are either going to other schools or back to Texas. Farkle told me today that I should maybe do the same," Maya said.
"Why are you here so early then?" Josh asked.
"Principal said I could leave earlier. There is nothing going on at that school. It can just as well close down. If there was a bit of learning going on in one class it was a lot. It was really awful being at that school. Like... Maybe I just started too soon," Maya said.
"Yeah you did. Listen Maya. Take a few days off. You just got out of the hospital after a horrible accident. You were in a coma for four weeks. Give yourself time to heal," Josh said.
"How late do you want to drive from New York?" Maya asked.
"Is three okay with you?" Josh asked.
"Yeah. I'll have everything packed by then. My mother had already agreed but I doubted she would've said no. She needs the space right now as much as I do. We don't need to rush back. The principal told me I should take a few days off school till I feel better. Don't tell my mom but the early dismissal is just an excuse. I almost passed out at school today from I don't know what. They sended me home," Maya said.
"I would have as well. You should take it easy Gorgeous. You shouldn't be taking on too much stuff if you aren't ready. Should I organize one week?"
"Yeah. That will be fine," Maya said.
"Okay I'll see you then. Please take it easy," Josh said.
"I will," Maya said and Josh was gone.

Maya finished up eating beflre she eventually paid.

"Listen Mom. Josh is organising the trip to Philadelphia for one week. Is it still okay with you?" Maya asked.
"Yeah it's fine. I'll see you next week then," Katy said.
"I have to go pack. We leave in about one hour. See you," Maya said and was gone.

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