Chapter 4 - Going Away

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It has been a few hours later and Maya is still in a state.
She hasn't heard her mother or Shawn for awhile so she guesses they left.
She heard Shawn starting his car and driving off so she knows he is gone.
But she doesn't know about her mother.
She sits up from where she was laying on her bed and wipes her face clean with her hand.
She takes a deep breathe before going to the door.
She reaches for the handle and stops her hand.
Does she want to do this?
How is she going to benefit from it?
She takes a breathe as she unlocks and opens the door.
She goes to the bathroom and quickly washes her face with luke warm water.
She dries it with a towel and then she heads back to her room.
She takes a minute to process what happened earlier in the apartment.
Why did her mom slap Shawn?

Maya's pov

Enough thinking Maya.
You have other problems a lot bigger than Shawn Hunter and your mother.
She is just going to avoid you again and this time the only down sider is Riley isn't there.
Fun, right?
It can be fun.
Stop thinking like that.

Maya puts on her winter boots and a jacket before she gets her backpack.
She throws two jeans, two shirts, some underwear, socks, one extra jacket, nightwear, her phone charger, a wash bag, a towel and three photos in.
She switches off her bedroom light and then she heads out.
She stops at the front door knowing that her mother isn't home.
She takes one last look at the apartment and exhales.
She opens the door before locking it again.
She puts the key under the doormat and off she is.

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