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It's almost midnight and Jennie kept eating a lot of food since she was starving and theres a lot of foods that she wanted. Once they're all done eating Lisa just look at Jennie not saying anything and it's making Jennie uncomfortable somehow... she just wanted to break the silence to keep Lisa from staring at her

"So you have an amnesia?" Jennie blurted out making her bite her tongue as to how stupid her question is. She didnt want to talk about this since she can end up crying again but she dont want to cry right infront of Lisa

"Well yeah.. my brain's probably fucked up" Lisa said chuckling like it isnt a big deal

"Why did you...you know" jennie said gesturing on how Lisa get her amnesia even though some people already told her that it's from an accident

"I had an accident in New Zealand... i dont know why I'm there but they just said that i got into a car accident while I'm driving" she said shrugging since some of it wasnt really clear for her

"When did it happen? " Jennie asked and her hesrt started speeding up since if she said January 16 then it is really the day she thought Lisa dissappeared

"What time is it?" She said looking at her watch seeing it's not pass midnight yet "same day as your birthday" Lisa said nodding and looking back at Jennie. The other girl felt her heart ache at the confirmation

"It must've been hard for you" Jennie said in almost a whisper as she kept her tears from falling down so she just look up to the sky to keep it

"It's probably much harder for those people i cant remember" Lisa said and Jennie starts to feel a lump getting into her throat as she keep herself from breaking down "It's hard for me cause i cant remember anything but come to think of it. It's also harder for the people i left behind. I sometimes think if I left people. If i made a promise to them that i cant remember already. What if someone thought i forgot about them when i just got a stupid amnesia" she said as she looks to the sky as well not knowing that Jennie's trying her best not to cry

"When i woke up and i dont remember anything.. i was so scared. I didnt know where i am and like i just pop out of nowhere without even knowing who am I. I stayed in a hospital in New Zealand for like 3 months before they transfer me here. My mom got into so much debt just because of me. I also found out that she's just working alone since my dad left us when i was young but a couple of months later we heard that he died from an accident and he left a lot more debts than my mom. Grandpa, the director of the hospital.. he payed for my dad's debts but it costs way too much and to add up that i also stayed on his hospital while im trying to recover. Mom went inside the jail when one of the woman who she owes a big amount of money decided to put her in prison and right now im still paying for dad's debts that grandpa paid cause he just cared about his money a lot...but im still thankful somehow that he let me in his hospital when i got my amnesia. But ill make sure to take my mom out when im done paying their debts." Lisa said and look down to Jennie. "Im too focused on my family's problem that i didnt even had the time to check up on some people that i left behind besides my family... the people i forgot about"

Lisa just looks at Jennie and Jennie started shaking from sobbing and she started crying out so much that startels Lisa so she immediately stood up and walk towards Jennie who's eyes are already red and the teard kept streaming down her face.

Jennie cant take it anymore as she heard Lisa harships and how she still thinks about the people she left behind. It's also ironic that the reason why she havent celebrated her birthday for years is also the person who's here with her trying to celebrate her birthday. Jennie's chest is so painful that she feels like it's just going to burst from all of the things that's happening.

Lisa leaned down and wrap her arms around jennie to hug her while the older girl just keep on crying. She never felt so safe and scared at the same time. She never felt so relieve and sad at the same time

"I don't know if you're crying out of pity or you're crying because or something that you're going through but either way im only here Jennie. You can tell me about it or you can just stay still and I'll just hug you" Lisa said softly and started rubbing Jennie's back "I'm not really good at comforting people but I'd rather say nothing and just stay here with you until you feel better" she says making Jennie tear up more. When she's still dating Lisa back then she's the same old sweet person and caring towards her. Since then Jennie doesnt really want too much affection but when it comes to Lisa she just wants Lisa to baby her even though she's older than her. Thats one of the great thing she love about Lisa, she knows how to make Jennie soft just by being there and Jennie can totally see how she's a completely different person around Lisa... a good kind of different and she just missed Lisa way too much that it's hurting her.

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