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Lisa's POV

It's Jisoo's birthday right now January 3rd and also the day of Jennie's photoshoot with that Song guy. I wanted to come with Jennie but she told me it's Jisoo's birthday so I need to spend it with her. Jisoo, Seulgi, Ella and I first went to McDonalds to order a kiddie meal cause why not? Then we go to a theme park to go spend the whole day. It's basically 3 child-like people and 1 literal child.

"You've been looking a lot on your phone" Seul asks while Jisoo's buying cotton candy with Ella. We spent the whole day here just having fun and it's already 9pm and there's no message from Jennie yet.

"Jennie hasn't message me since earlier" I said.. maybe i just got used to Jennie texting everything that she's doing and she doesnt send me a single text today... to add up that a guy's around her all day

"We'll be going home after they buy since it's been a long day anyway" Seulgi says so I nodded and we waited for both Ella and Jisoo to walk back to us before we go straight to the parking lot to go home.


"Chu can I borrow your car?" I ask while Seulgi lift up Ella to carry her inside the house since the little girl fell asleep

"You're gonna pick Jennie up?" She asks

"I dont know if they're done yet so I'll go and check " I replied making Jisoo nod as she told me to be careful and drive safely since it's already night time and we're all tired from the whole day of going on and off of rides "happy birthday chu.. I'll be back" I said before getting inside the car and driving off of there.

Jennie and her crew must've had a long day so I'll just buy them some coffee before i go there. I go through starbucks' drive thru and ordered a couple of coffee and I dont even know if it's enough for them.

Once I arrived on the building where the shoot is being held I jus greeted the guard and told him I'll go to the shoot and he's nice enough to let me in. Once I'm inside the room I saw a couple of people here and there and a huge set right at the side of the room.

"Excuse me may I help you?" A guy said approaching me

"Is Dr Kim still here?"

"Yeah the shoot started late so we're not done yet" he said making me nod

"Oh by the way I ordered some coffee for everyone" I said nicely while smiling

"Uh.. Dr Kang called for some delivery of coffee earlier already so we all had one. But just place it right there maybe someone will need it later" he says making me nod.. it's embarassing actually. I put the coffees down on the table and grab one incase Jennie needs one or incase she didn't drink some earlier.

I walk towards the set and saw Jennie laughing next to Song in the middle while they're posing with their coats on. I put the coffee down on the table right beside me and continue watching them as I dont want to call Jennie up so they can finish already since she looks very tired already. Song stepped out for a second to get his hair fixed a little behind me since their make up team's just behind me. When he stood up he was about to walk back to the set when he bump onto the table next to me making the coffee fall. I didnt even know that a camera is next to the coffee so it fell down there. I look at Song since he was the one who made the coffee fall down but he also look straight towards me

"Song.." the photographer called him "are you okay?" He asks.. i thought he'll be mad at him

"Yes I'm fine" he said confidently

"Who put the goddamn coffee there?!!" The photographer yelled out and I am the only one standing near the table. I look up to look at Jennie and she's looking at me like she dont know what to do "Miss! Do you know how long we've been working? Some of the pictures are there and do you think that'll still work?! I bought that camera abroad do you know how much it cost? Well it might be more than what you have!" His words is completely hurting me but what hurts me more is that Jennie's already tired and they have to re-do some parts of their photoshoot just because of the coffee i bought.

Jennie walk towards us and look at Song "Let's just re-do it quickly" she said sympathetically. I walk closer to Jennie and grab her hand softly

"Jennie sorry" I said

"It's alright Lisa.. it has been done we can't bring it back. Just.. go sit somewhere" she said and go towards Song so they can continue.

I feel really bad about this. I walk towards the side and take a sit with a couple of eyes on me knowing i fucked that up. I sighed and look down at my hands so i can avoid their gaze.

The shoot continues and i stayed in my seat so i wont cause any more trouble around. Minutes later the photographer told them to take a 5 minute break while he checks the picture Jennie sit down next to Song right beside the set. It seems like she completely forgotten that I'm here huh? She just sit there talking to Song while they laugh at something. Song open up his hand while it's resting on his lap and he's saying something but i cant hear it but Jennie put down her hand and Song intertwined their hands together this is so fucked up. Jennie just laughs while she shakes her head and one movement just makes me stand up to go out of the room and go straight to the restroom as i saw Song kissed the back of Jennie's hand quickly and Jennie just let him.

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