Chapter Forty One

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I opened my eyes from that vision to discover that Stanley's bloated face was hovering over mine. And my first thought was, get off me! I can't breathe, get off me now! But his hands were clutching my throat, and my breathing had been cut off. I felt blood rushing to my brain. I couldn'tt speak. I couldn't scream and I could no longer escape into visions and fantasies.

Instead, all I could see was the brutal truth of his ferocious face, breathing hard on me, and I could not take his foul breath. It was over for me. He had killed my sister, he had killed my mother, and he was now killing me. These were my last thoughts...

A hand holding a knife with a twelve-inch-long blade appeared just under Stanley's chin.

It was as if an artist was drawing a line of blood red color across Stanley's nubbed and protruding Adam's apple. But then as the flesh cut open, it was more like the work of an expert butcher. Stanley's eyes bulged in a moment of pure anguish, and then the life force seemed to jump out of the dilated pupils and dissipate like mist. Stanley's naked body was then pulled off of me and I saw Blake. He was fully clothed; it is only Stanley and I who were naked. My body and my mind refused to come to terms with what has happened.

Blake then pushed Stanley's naked, lifeless body off of me and it rolled onto the floor.

Blake took me into his arms, and said, "You have been so brave, Billie, so brave. I am proud of you." He then wrapped my body in my comforter.

I heard sirens outside, and flashing beams of red and blue light shot through the dark room just like the disco lights of my wedding reception, the one I was so sure I had just experienced.

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