27. We did it .....

28 4 3

....we are not paying you a single penny for this land do you get that...

Hearing this the first reaction from Mr Prasad was a view to look at ...

he was nervous as hell and droplets of sweat was formed on his face he knew he is caught in his own trap but was shameless enough to still protest...

he shouted Sir I respect you as you are Mr. Rakshit's son but your staff can't insult me like this

while he was standing there amazed

He glared Sukh with anger and shouted Apologise.....

She snapped back 5 minutes Sir and I will prove the person standing here is a cheat ,

He was still adamant for her to apologise when she appealed just give me a couple of minutes Sir, I beg you;

she holded his hands and dragged him to the waterbody nearby ...Mr Prasad also followed them alongwith his secretary.....

She said Sir look here...the water level here is almost near the shore well it's not monsoon yet and it was just drizzling here ;

it is not much far from the land we are buying... so it stated the land is flood prone......

Second thing Salt Test Report it is stated in the report that the land had normal salinity but actually it's not true,

the water nearby is saline because of which it is saline and not suitable for farming... he counterfeited the reports too;

When we came here I noticed the road conditions.....
every road around is under construction here, therefore getting the product delivered to the factory will be an issue later on.....

and most important thing he just said the USP of the land is it's location and it was clearly mentioned to him we want a land suitable for Cultivation

so either he is Cheating on us or either he is asked to cheat on us......

Rishabh was stunned hearing all this, he looked back to Mr Prasad with blood shot red eyes.....

He rebuked You just took the name of my father to convince me for the land deal , do you have anything to say now.....

while he was stammering Sir I didn't wanted to .....Sir I didn't cheated....The.. the.. this girl is lying....

he then said Mr Prasad I am giving you a final chance tell me who is there behind all this
else I will get you arrested the next moment in the fraud case and in the charges of Counterfeiting Governmental Documents; in a cold tone,

hearing it from Rishabh he blurted everything

he said actually Mr Kothari hired me for this, he wants the deal that you are working upon;

he even tried to get to the investors but as they were more impressed by your idea, they declined his offer.

He asked me to sell this land to you and till time when you will come across reality the deal will skip from your hands

He put his shades on and said you messed with a wrong person Prasad trust me you will pay for this....

He then continued No Sir please forgive me Trust me please ....give me another chance I will show you the best land tomorrow.....

While he didn't paid any heed to it and grabbed her hands, he dragged her along the way and they both were soon near their car.....

Sukh then continued Sir wait a minute,I want to introduce you to someone, meet him;
with a smile, he saw someone walking towards them,

- Meeting Of The Parallel LinesWhere stories live. Discover now