🔹1 - Rival🔹

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9 years...

Since they were both transfered and studying in the same school...

9 years...

Since they were competing each other in different competitions...

9 years...

Since they were admired by the whole students in Stanford High...

And for the whole 9 years...

They were rivals.


"Here's your schedule." The dean of the school said, giving the lightning elemental's new schedule for the whole school year while staring at the boy with a wide smile plastered on her face.

The red-eyed element took his class schedule from the dean's hand and walked away, his face looking dull as ever. He never even thought of giving thanks to the dean who had given his schedule. The doyen on the other hand, couldn't help but screamed in giddiness right after the lightning teenage boy exited the room.

Halilintar heard the woman squealed inside the dean's office, making him shook his head in disbelief and sighed in annoyance. He looked at the class schedule gripped on his hand, his ruby eyes scanning the subjects for his first classes.

"Hey Hali!" A cheerful voice interrupted the thunder element from viewing his schedule and turned to face who'd called him.

The lightning element pursed his lips. "Taufan," He sighed. "Stop calling me with that ridiculous nickname! Our schoolmates might hear it!" He stated, his voice raised highly a bit.

The navy blue-eyed boy could only chuckle. He just loves teasing his friend, Halilintar with his silly nickname he got from his name.

"Sorry, not sorry~"

"Tch. Whatever."

The lightning element groaned as he continued walking through the hallway. His wind elemental friend came along beside him.

"By the way, your rival's here again-"

"I know."

"Have you ever thought of being friends with him?-"

"Not in a millions of years."

Taufan smirked. "And, what if he's not here?~"

"Then, I'll be dang glad." Halilintar responded, frowning. "And, what's with that tone in your voice?" He asked, raising up a brow at his wind elemental friend.

"Oh, nothing~" The navy blue-eyed boy chirped, grinning from ear to ear while looking at his closest friend.

"Sure..." The famed bad boy rolled his eyes and resumed scanning at his given schedule.

"Mind me asking but," The wind element bit his lower lip. "Why were you even rivals with him in the first place?"

The red-eyed element paused, sighing. "It's a long story." He said. "And, it's none of your business. See you later!" He added, looking at his wind elemental friend with a small grin before he entered his classroom.

Taufan furrowed his eyebrows and went to check his own schedule. His eyes shot up. "H-Hey! Wait up!" He exclaimed as also entered the same class as Halilintar. As he entered, he slightly pushed his lightning elemental friend playfully.

"Silly! We both have the same first period this day!" The wind element stated, chuckling afterwards.

"That's good then." The thunder elemental said. "I can have someone to talk to-"

"Uhh...Hali?" The navy blue-eyed elemental called his friend, his eyes blinked in disbelief while staring at something.

"Taufan, how many times do I have to tell you to NOT call me with that stupid-"

"Solar's here."

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