🔹9 - Unlucky Day🔹

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"So, what SPECS did you get?" The red-eyed element asked his wind elemental friend, Taufan.

The all-so-carefree boy pouted sadly and heaved a deep sigh. "I got Cookery..." He said, biting his lower lip. "Let me guess, you got the Electrical subject."

The lightning elemental nodded in response. "Yeah, I did."

For your information, Stanford High has this subject called 'Specialization' or 'SPECS' for short. The additional subjects that are found in this specialization are Cookery, Computer and Electrical subjects. Unfortunately for the two friends, they got each different SPECS subjects and was dissatisfied that they would be separated from each other.

The cyan blue-eyed elemental whined. "Why are we separated from different specialization!?" He complained. "They should've put me in Electrical instead so we'll be classmates again!" He added, groaning in frustration.

One of Halilintar's brow raised. "Seriously? Since when are you interested in electrical appliances?" He asked, both of his arms crossed on his chest.

"I never mentioned I like Electrical subject!" Taufan stated. "I just...only want someone to talk to because I'll get bored! Not to mention, Gempa's also in Cookery! I'll be totally, freaking dead!"

"Ais is in Cookery. You can go and talk to him."

"I know, but he's not that type of person I can talk with since he always sleeps in class..."

"Duri's in Cookery too, you know..."

"I know...but, I just want someone who's more mature like you."

The red-eyed element scoffed. "Says the one who isn't even serious at anything..."

"Hey! I'm serious with anything!"

"Tch. Yeah, sure."


"Well unfortunately, I got the Computer subject..." The crimson-eyed boy pouted sadly while walking towards his next class with his childhood friend, Ais. "Guess we won't be hanging around too much during Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Except for breaks, of course." He added.

"Well, that'll be great since there won't be someone to annoy me during my peaceful moments..." The ice element said in a monotonous voice.

Blaze's jaw dropped. "WHAT!? DON'T YOU ENJOY MY COMPANY WITH YOU!? WHY DON'T YOU WANNA BE WITH ME?! AM I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" The fire elemental complained, whining like a child who didn't get what he wants while slapping his friend's shoulder.

"Ow! OW! HEY! STOP IT!" Ais exclaimed, touching his shoulder while moving back from his friend. Unluckily, his friend was still whacking his poor shoulder off.








"Urgh..." The famous alchemist groaned, face-palming afterwards.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I can't be with you." The nature element apologized, sighing sadly afterwards.

"Hmm, it's alright." Solar curved a small smile. "Goodluck in your Cookery subject though." He said, winking.

Duri smiled widely. "Thanks Solar! You too! See ya later!~" He said, waving his hand towards his close friend then proceeded to his SPECS subject.

"Bye Duri..."

The popular light element walked to his classroom where his SPECS subject was situated while thinking deeply in his thoughts.

'I wonder what we're going to do in our SPECS subject...'

'Hmm...Who else is in my SPECS subject I know...?'

'I hope it's not someone who I think I'll be stuck with for the rest of my specialization subject.'

By the time Solar entered inside in his assigned specialization, his eyes blinked a few times in disbelief.

"You have got to be kidding me..."


Welp, sorry for not updating lately since it's the start of our sembreak and me and my family just have a lot of plans for the rest of my break.

I guess I'll just be updating often. Sorry if I seemed to lower your expectations to whether I'll be updating in this day or not...

Cuz yeah...Authors also need breaks. They need to at least breathe in some fresh air and relax from all the stress and hardworks from school.

But, don't yall worry because I'm still active here in wattpad as always :)

Btw, thank you guys for 2K READERS! 💕💖❤️

Man, you guys just love this story about the duos' rivalry, huh? XD

Not to mention, the readers and votes just kept on growing like, how? O_o

Anyways, hope yall keep supporting me and my books. ^w^ 💕

I LUV YALL!! 💕💖❤️💖💕💖❤️💖💕💖❤️

See ya in the next chappies! \^o^/ 💖

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