🔹28 - Absence🔹

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Few days passed by, the light element haven't attended school which made the group of elementals worried, except for one.

Apparently, it was their first time they've encountered Solar's disappearance after for what it seemed like almost a week of not seeing him, though he always have perfect attendance and always attending his class everyday without even a single tardiness, nor absentees.

Noticing this, made the elements became more curious and concerned about their light elemental friend's goneness. They searched for clues, they asked anyone from school and they've also been to his house, only to be unlucky that he's not even at home.

So far, their efforts of finding their friend only brought them nothing but just a failure. Their nature elemental friend, Duri suddenly breaks down. The group of elementals couldn't do anything about it but to calm and comfort the depressed boy down instead and gave him gentle words that'll soothe him.

"...Solar..." Duri softly mumbled, sniffling while wiping the tears away from his face.

"Don't worry, Duri... We'll find him, okay? Just have a little faith..." Gempa soothed, as he hugged the leaf element for comfort.

"Strange, why is he even absent in the first place? He's not even like this before, right?" Blaze asked, earning a nod from the group in agreement.

"I agree. Not to mention, he's that type of person who doesn't miss anything from school and that type of person who aims to have perfect attendance. I guess, something happened to him?" Ais assumed, shrugging his shoulders afterwards.

"Probably it has something to do with personal issues, I think?" Taufan figured while putting a finger on his chin, unsure of his answer.

"Or maybe something happened at home?" The earth element thought. "What do you think, Halilintar?" He asked, as he faced the lightning element who was mostly the silent one among them.

"Uhh..." Was only the word he uttered.

"Anyways, I'll go and check again later at his house if he's home." Gempa said, patting the leaf elemental's head gently who had already stopped crying.

"Can I come with you, Gem?" Taufan asked, earning a nod from the earth element.

"Can I come too?" The twin-like friends asked in unison, Gempa on the other hand, gave them a thumbs up as a reply.


"Well, it's time for our next classes. See you guys in a bit?" Gempa smiled warmly, glancing to all his friends.

"Right! See ya!" Blaze cheerfully said and immediately grabbed his best friend, Ais and dragged him with him, his friend on the other hand, was struggling from his hold.

"You'll be alright, Duri?" The earth element asked, facing the leaf element with a concerned look from his face.

Duri curved a sad smile. "I'll be okay, Gempa."

"Alright then. See you in a while, okay?" The student government president softly said and made his way towards his next class with Taufan whom he gave Duri a warm smile and a thumbs up.


The nature element paused as he turned around, only to see the lightning element with a serious yet worried expression plastered on his face.

"We need to talk."


Meanwhile, Solar was seated silently on a soft, warm bed, hugging both of his knees to his chest while rocking back and forth. He feels so alone, broken, depressed. And currently, he's living in a place where he totally hates the most: The Orphanage.

Whenever a caregiver would give him some food, the light element would only ignore it and seemingly doesn't like to eat at all. He was weighing too much pain and pressure that he couldn't even get to take care of himself anymore. His whole body became thin and weak and clearly, he haven't eaten for days.

"Solar! Solar?"

All of the sudden, he heard a familiar voice calling his name, making his eyes shot up and immediately got up from his bed. Afterwards, he quickly got out from his room, then stopped when he saw someone from a distance. A familiar one.

"Solar!?" It was his best friend, Duri, who cried as few tears escaped from his puffy, green eyes, finally seeing his best friend in person after for almost a week of his sudden disappearance.

"Duri...?" The light elemental's eyes widened in surprise, his lips trembled while tears started forming in his tired, golden eyes.

"Solar!" His leaf elemental best friend exclaimed as he ran towards him and crashed him into a huge, tight hug, sobbing softly afterwards.

The light element sniffled as he gently returned the hug, tears that he had been holding back ever since started streaming down his face. But then, a question coming from his friend made his eyes widened and gasped quietly in shock.

"Why didn't you tell me, Solar...?


People can't change the truth, but the truth can definitely change people.



I just realized I have so many grammar mistakes, urgh... I'm so mad...

Aaaaand, it's midnight time here, that's why...hehehe :3

Meh brain ish tired--

Anyways, I think some of you guys failed to notice or see my last message from the end of my previous chapter.

And I'm guessing you guys are already going to yeet on the previous chapter right now. :3

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