🔹18 - Hope🔹

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"So does that mean that time when I saved you from Gempa meant nothing to you at all? Tell me, Halilintar, did it only meant nothing to you?"


"I trusted you, Solar... but, you only fooled me as a friend... Maybe, it is a mistake, being friends with you..."


Few weeks later...

Still the same problem, still not yet accepted, still not yet forgiven. For the past weeks, the famous duos were all alone in their whole school week, with no presence of their friends being there for them at all. But surprisingly, ever since the incident, they haven't fought nor argued with one another over the past few weeks.

Ever since their friends haven't forgiven them, Halilintar and Solar had been quiet the whole time. When they saw each other, or even attend same classes together, they would just ignore one another and just stayed... silent. No blames, no insults, nor even getting into a physical fight has happened between the two ever since.

Could this mean that they were slowly changing their selves? That they've realized that fighting with one another can result to nothing? Or maybe, they're just trying to prove to their friends that they truly kept their friends' words, to just stop treating with one another differently?

Over the past weeks, their friends kept ignoring them, whenever they see them, wherever they go, even when they're classmates with one another. Sometimes, the popular rivals are annoyed whenever their friends are hanging out or talking with someone else. Yes, they feel jealous, but at the same time, lonesome.

They felt left out by them.

Everytime they see their friends being close with someone else rather than them, it hurts them. Everyday, they kept hoping that one day, their friendship would come back and be mended again. Having no one by their side, Halilintar and Solar admits, they're afraid.

Afraid, because no one will be there to help them as they go on with their life. Afraid, because no one will be there to cheer them up or accompany them. Afraid, because it makes them remember their past, which ruined who they really was before, and no one will be there to be their light to guide them from the darkness.

Truly, they miss their best friends they only have. Meaning, Taufan is only Halilintar's closest friend he has, whilst Solar's only best friend is Duri. In fact, they did everything together, from they were young until they grew older.

Truthfully, Taufan and Duri changed the two rivals' life. They made them who they are, and made them realize what they're capable of. They had always been there for them, as they thought they don't deserve a friend like these two amazing angels.

Up until this time, they're still hoping. Hoping for their friends to ran towards them and gave them a comforting, warm hug, forgetting all the problems they're enduring as they feel safe, protected by the wrap of their arms around them. They're also hoping that they would give them a genuine, soft smile that makes them feel accepted and appreciated, as of they're telling them that everything's going to be alright. Most of all, their presence is enough for the legendary duos to be completely comfortable and be free for themselves, escaping from all the sufferings they're struggling with.

They hope, they would just come back.


Drearily, Halilintar made his way to his next subject, which is Electrical, his SPECS subject. As he reached the classroom, he quietly went towards his respective chair, sitting on it afterwards. He placed both of his arms onto his armchair then stared blankly on the floor, sighing deeply.

Not for long, his rival came along then sat down on his assigned chair next to the lightning element. Like Halilintar, Solar was also silent, like he doesn't have the energy to go on with his life. Neither of the two popular elementals spoke, unlike before when they already saw each other, they would start roasting with one another for who-knows-how-long their arguments will take.

'A quiet atmosphere, pretty peaceful but boring at the same time.', as what the two famous rivals thought. Now that they've realized, they should've limit their selves or better, just avoid getting into more trouble again. Their friends were right all along, that it truly is calm when there are no fights happening.

They should've listened to them, but they're just being an idiot, a fool for themselves for not taking their words seriously. But, they thought they really don't deserve being friends with them since they thought they're too good for them. They wanted to be like them, but they just don't know how.

After a few good minutes of pondering, one of them suddenly started talking...

"I won't blame you for any of this..."

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