🔹14 - Partners🔹

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"Okay class, our next topic is all about: The Multimeter. So basically, a Multimeter is used to measure the electrical voltage, current, resistance, and other values." The Electrical teacher, which is the SPECS teacher of Halilintar and Solar, explained, showing a small, black box which is the Multimeter, held in her hand to her students.

The lightning elemental groaned silently while listening to their teacher's discussion, which he found their lesson boring for him. "When will this subject end?" He muttered quietly and took a quick side glance at his rival who was seated beside him. "And when can I never see this malicious-looking nerd's face again?" He added, making his voice a bit louder enough for his rival to hear and sighed in annoyance afterwards.

An irk mark appeared on the light elemental alchemist's head as he clenched his teeth angrily and had face-to-face with his competitor beside him. "Are you trying to look for trouble again, Mr. Cold Stoneface?" He insulted-whispered back at his rival's face roughly, giving him a threatening look at the same time.

"What did you call me now, you bulb-headed lamp post?!"

"You might want to actually take back what you've just said earlier!"

"Alright, students! So, for our activity for today, each student will have a pair and what you're going to do, is to try to use or test the multimeter so you'll all be familiar with it. You all will be given one multimeter each by pair. By the way, I'll be the one who's going to assign who will you be paired with, and that person will be your partner for the rest of the term." Said their Electrical teacher, making some of the students blinked in disbelief, others complained and groaned in dissatisfaction, while few of them were excited about it.

Meanwhile, both the famous duos didn't even budged as they were still intensely glaring at each other, with the sound and presence of lightnings appeared on the background. The dark aura around them was menacing, as if you could really feel the amount of rage boiling up inside the two popular rivals. Surely, you can't mess with these duos.

"Halilintar, Solar! Both of you are paired up!" Their Electrical teacher announced, a small smile curved on her lips as she faced the two famed boys.

The lightning and light elemental snapped back to reality and paused for a few seconds as their eyes blinked in disbelief, with their faces clearly could see that they were shocked about what they've just heard.



"So slow..." The ruby red-eyed elemental complained, with both of his arms crossed on his chest as he watched his rival testing the multimeter.

"Can't you just be patient for once, you annoying electron-negatively-charged-subatomic particle?!" The golden-eyed alchemist argued, gripping the test probes from the multimeter in hand. The lightning elemental could only roll his eyes rudely and scoffed.

"Oh, so that's how you do it..." Solar mumbled, looking at the object he'd used his test probes on.

"Yeah, you stare at that for a long time until that object explodes because of your glowing, lazer eyes." Halilintar snorted.

"Like I just freaking told you to speak about what can you predict of what will most likely to happened after I tested the freaking object using the test probes!" Solar retorted. "And, this is why I don't want to be paired with you in the first place!"

"Excuse me?! I wasn't the one who freaking chose you to be my partner in the beginning, you glowing, ball of gas!"

"I didn't even said it was you!"

On the other hand, two students were watching the two famous rivals arguing through the window.

The wind elemental sighed deeply. "They won't changed, will they?" He asked.

"Well, I still believe they will..." The leaf manipulator said, cracking a smile while looking at the two competitors.

"I hope..."


"HAHAHAHAHA! NO WAY! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" The fire elemental asked, smiling widely at Taufan as another round of laughter escaped from his mouth.

"Believe it or not, they are partners in Electrical, unfortunately..." The cyan blue-eyed elemental couldn't help but cringed and laughed along with his varsity buddy.

"Wait, seriously? The famous rivals, Halilintar and Solar are 'partners' in Electrical subject?" Ais asked and clarified once more, earning a nod from the wind element.

"Yep! Can't believe I'll say this but..." Taufan grinned. "There's a greater chance of possibility that those two will be friends for real after being rivals with one another for these past years!" He cheerfully said, his wide grin never leaving on his face.

"Ooh~ Well, I can't really imagine what will their fangirls think if they really end up being friends with each other." Blaze chuckled, shrugging both of his shoulders while pursing his lips.

"Well, let's just be patient and find out what will happened next..."

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