🔹17 - Forgiveness🔹

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What's worst than a break-up relationship or getting friendzone by your own crush?

It's losing that only friend you have who accepts who you are, who truly loves you, who genuinely trusts you and who's always there for you during your ups and downs in life.


It's the start of yet another weekday for school, and as usual, the lightning element was silently walking his way to school, with earphones plugged in his ears and a bag slung on his shoulder. As he was making his way to school, he was too preoccupied with his thoughts in mind. He was thinking of what had happened the other day when he got into trouble again with his rival, and that time when his one and only friend who had been friends with since childhood, left him that very day.

He felt awful... hurt... guilty... disappointed with himself. He shouldn't have let his anger took control that time. Instead, he should've controlled himself when he's about to burst again during that time. But it was all too late.

And here he was, alone, with nobody to talk to, nor even his friend messing him around. He thought it was peaceful at first, but it only made him lonely deep inside.

Taking his first step from the entrance, from a distance, he saw his (ex) best friend walking through the hallway of the school. He thought this was his time, his opportunity to finally apologize to his friend for what he'd done wrong the other day. But when he was about to catch up with him, a crowd of his fangirls started piling infront of him, unable for him to see his friend from the distance.




Truth be told, he really had enough with his fangirls and he only wanted to reunite with his friend again. In no time, he gently shoved away his fangirls away from his way and started rushing towards his friend, calling his name as he ran. "Taufan! Wait up!" He desperately called, hoping his friend would hear him, in which he did.

His wind elemental friend turned around and frowned as he saw his once-a-friend, Halilintar. The latter stopped from a few meters away from his friend while panting lightly. "What do you want, Halilintar?" He simply asked, his voice monotonous while looking at him with an expressionless face.

Hearing what his friend just asked made the electrical element's heart sunk. Honestly, he wasn't used for his friend to call him by his real name. He usually calls him 'Hali' as his nickname, and he truly misses it.

Most of all, he also misses his friend's laughs, his smiles, and his corny jokes. He's the one who made Halilintar be... him. Even though he's that type of boy who's always cold and serious with everything, Taufan would only just shrugged it and accepts him for who he is. 

The lightning element looked at his friend sadly, the pupils in his eyes trembling as he started apologizing. "I'm sorry."

Knowing Taufan, he's that type of person who's very trustworthy, and makes people happy if they're feeling down. He's the one who doesn't want anyone to be gloomy, upset nor even started to sob their hearts out. He's the one who's always there whenever someone needed him.

But in this case, Taufan seemed to lack his trust for his friend lately, and he just couldn't forgive his friend that easily, even after he just apologized to him a few seconds ago. He also knows his limits, but he also knows that he can't stay mad to anyone at all. But, he just couldn't seemed to help it as his mind would just start replaying back what had took place the other day.

"Sorry Halilintar, even if I wanted to forgive you so badly, I just... couldn't find the way to still accept you as my friend anymore, even for what we've been through..." The wind elemental replied, declining his friend's apology.

"Please, Taufan." The famed bad boy pleaded. "I beg you. I swear, I'll change. I'll be better now. I'll let you call me whatever you want. I'll do anything to--" But, even when Halilintar tried to convince him, Taufan was still shaking his head in disapproval.


"Then, what!? What can I do for you to accept my apology?"

"I want you to show me that you're true with your words. That I can truly trust you. I can't anymore depend when someone's only saying those things just for that person to believe him. I want it to be true. I need it to be true." Taufan stated, looking at his friend gloomily one last time before turning and walked away, leaving his friend behind.



However, for Solar's situation, probably for him's the worst. He just betrayed his friend's promise and he doesn't know how to make it up to him. He truly felt bad, and guilty about it.

Currently, he was seated on his respective chair, pondering about things. It was still early for the class to start and Solar doesn't know what to do to pass time, rather than staring at his friend who was seated next to him but was facing away from him, with his arms crossed on his chest while frowning.

Everytime when it was still early, Solar would always spend his time tutoring Duri when he found one subject hard for him, just to pass time. Solar would feel relieved whenever his friend would pass the subject that he found it difficult-- and 'impossible' as what he says-- for him to pass his grades on the certain subject he's having trouble with. Solar never felt more proud with his friend that never gives up on anything, and that's one thing he liked about Duri; being persevering.

Honestly, it was time for the light elemental alchemist to tutor once again, his friend on a particular subject he's having difficulty in but, they weren't in good terms yet. Solar did tried apologizing to him, but ended up making it worse at it is. Duri cried uncontrollably, and unfortunately, Gempa found about it but he doesn't know what's the matter.

Gempa tried asking Duri what was wrong, but Duri shook his head as a response that it was nothing. But when Gempa insisted, the leaf elemental lied, saying he just watched a sad short film from his phone and hesitantly showed his phone with the video he 'was watching' to Gempa. Duri still didn't let his friend get into trouble again, and it's been countless times that he saved him from Gempa. Duri is really an angel, inside out.

Going back, Solar just couldn't do anything about it anymore as he knew when he only apologized to him, he would still not forgive him. He doesn't know what Duri really wants for him to be forgiven. Solar truly misses tutoring him to be honest, and he also misses talking to him, even though his friend was a bit childish and playful at the same time, he just cherish his friend everyday.

If only, time travel's possible, then he can go back in time and change what he'd done wrong in the past. But, for him, he thought that time just wants to happened the way it is. And he really deserves his worst punishment he ever had: Losing a friend, but he just won't let that happened.


Seemingly, Taufan and Duri found it difficult for them to forgive their friends. But at the same time, they didn't want to break the friendship they had, even for what they've been through together. Whilst for the popular duos, they also found it hard for them to make it up for their friends.

And lately, they've been feeling a bit down and lonely everyday.

As all they want is for their friends to forgive them.

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