🔹4 - Stalker🔹

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The light element laughed hysterically while staring at a picture in his own phone. "THIS IS SO HILARIOUS!"

"Hey! Keep it down, Solar..." His leaf elemental friend warned. "You might choke the food in your mouth.."

"Sorry, Duri! I just can't help it!" The golden-eyed elemental replied between his laughs.

"You know, it's bad to laugh at something that shouldn't be laughed at..." The green-capped boy stated, pursing his lips.

"But, Duri! This picture is something to be laughed at!" Solar said, smiling widely while showing his phone with the picture in it to his leaf elemental best friend.

Duri frowned slightly and shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe you, Solar..." He let out a deep sigh. "Plus, I don't find that picture funny at all..."

The popular alchemist rolled his eyes playfully and scoffed. "Now, you're just ruining the fun, Duri."


"THIS HAS GOT TO BE THAT LAMP'S DOING!" The fearsome bad boy exclaimed, his head boiling in anger.

The wind elemental could only laughed nervously while trying to calm his short-tempered friend down, glancing at each student who were staring at them in confusion. "H-Hey Hali...Please keep it down-"

"WHERE'S THAT STUPID, NARCISSISTIC BRAT!?" The lightning element yelled angrily while glaring at his schoolmates, making some students shivered in fear.

The navy-blue eyed elemental heaved a sigh. "How can I make my petulant friend keep his cool down...?" He muttered, looking at his lightning elemental friend with an expressionless face.


"You know, you should be able to get those lessons by now..." The light elemental alchemist stated, getting his things from his locker. "Our topics in Math are pretty much getting complicated every week..."

"But, how...?" The nature element pouted. "I couldn't understand anything! Like nothing is going through my mind!"

"Well, that's your problem..."

"Please, Solar..." The leaf manipulator pleaded. "Please help me understand the topics in Math. I just found that subject difficult for me everytime. My parents is going to kill me if they found out that I'm failing one subject in my report card..." He quietly said, tears started to form in his big, green eyes with his lips quivering.

The light elemental sighed in defeat. "Fine." He replied, smiling warmly. "I'll help you."

The green-capped boy smiled widely and immediately hugged his best friend tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" He exclaimed.

Solar chuckled softly and returned the hug gently. "What friends are for, right...?"

Unfortunately, the two elements hadn't noticed that someone was already watching them from afar. Quickly, the figure took a snap of their photo and grinned.

"Another jackpot."


"I'll see you later, Duri!" The golden-eyed boy said, waving his hand to his leaf elemental friend to bid his farewell.

"Bye, Solar!" The green element replied, waving his hand back while smiling and entered his next class.

The famed alchemist continued walking towards his next class, few books carried on his hands at his side.

In a flash, someone emerged right infront of him and gripped his collar severely. Ruby, red eyes grudgingly glaring directly at him with his teeth clenched tightly, few lightning streaks crashing on the menacing aura around them.



Welp, I guess we already know who this mysterious person is, right? >wO

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