🔹23 - Back Together🔹

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It's hard when someone special ignores you. But, it's harder pretending that you just don't care.


"I won't give up on you, so please... don't give up on me..."


It was their time for their lunch break and the lightning element was currently on his locker, placing and getting some things he needed and didn't need for his few remaining subjects. After he's finished, he shut his locker door and walked towards his next class, gripping on to his books and notebooks in hand.

While walking, his head was lowered down slightly, his expression filled with sadness and pain as he was thinking about his best friend everyday. For him, it was no use if he would just apologize again, as he thought his friend wouldn't forgive him at all. Truly, he misses his best friend's childish behaviour around him, as he knew his company makes him feel not alone and he's always been comfortable with him for everywhere they go.

Halilintar sighed deeply, as he was again preoccupied with his thoughts, and he hadn't been focusing on any of his subjects for the past few weeks already. For he only thinks about his friend all the time.

"I will wait for you because honestly, I don't want anyone else..." He mumbled to himself as he continued walking, making his way to his next class.

He then suddenly stopped from walking when he unexpectedly saw his friend from a distance, going towards his direction. He was totally surprised, but he managed not to show it from his face. His ruby eyes stared at his friend gloomily, then to someone who's talking with him: Blaze.


"Thanks for the yummy, baked cookies, Tau! They're really delicious!~" The fire element complimented, grinning widely. "Too bad, Ais didn't gave me some... huhuhu..."

The wind elemental cringed and chuckled lightly. "He must've eaten it all before you could even taste his cookies..." He stated and giggled slightly, making Blaze huffed playfully.

"He's so selfish..." The crimson-eyed boy sighed, pouting afterwards. Taufan could only laugh at his playful actions.

"By the way, how are you and Halilintar been doing?" Blaze asked, as he adjusted his cap on his head.

The question made Taufan paused, his once cheerfulness personality became a cheerless one. "...still nothing..." He simply replied, with a low tone in his voice.

"Hey..." The fire element gave his varsity buddy a reassuring smile. "It's okay to take yourselves some time for a while. Maybe in the end, you two will end up being friends with one another again. Just remember what I told you, okay?"

Taufan glanced at Blaze, his lips forming a sad smile. "...Okay. Thanks again, Blaze..." He responded, making his varsity buddy's smile widened.

All of the sudden, the wind element paused from talking to Blaze, a soft gasped escaped from his mouth as he saw his ex-friend, Halilintar again from a distance. He stared at the lightning element in shock, as if he didn't expect that he'd meet him again. He felt hot tears gathering in his eyes again as he looked at his friend.

Then, Taufan's felt a hand on his shoulder, making him look to his side and saw Blaze, smiling sadly at him while moving his head towards Halilintar as if, he's trying to say that he should go and approach him, forgive him so they'll be together again.

"Go..." The fire element whispered, as he removed his hand on the wind elemental's shoulder for him to finally go and reunite with his friend again. Taufan glanced once again to his varsity buddy, curving a small smile before turning back again to his long-time, separated friend and flashed a wide smile.

The cheerful element then ran towards Halilintar, crashing him into a warm, gentle bear hug. He swear, he misses hugging his friend ever since the incident. He just missed everything about his friend.

Halilintar was truly shocked when his friend suddenly hugged him, making him froze on his spot and dropped the books and notebooks he was holding on the ground. But, he let the hug happened as he do missed his friend's puerile actions. He then gently returned the hug as well, not even caring about the students' eyes staring at them, some with jealousy, some in total shock while some with giddiness.

"This will only be the first time and the last time I'll hug you, idiot..." The electric element whispered softly, curving a small smile on his lips.

The wind elemental chuckled softly as he gently tightened the hug more. "I miss you too, Hali..." He said, in a muffled voice.

From a distance, Blaze was staring at the two with a warm smile then sighed happily. "Finally, those two are back."

Out of nowhere, Ais appeared beside Blaze, the latter noticing it and wasn't surprised at all. The two then did a fistbump together, like they just accomplished their mission to reunite the four together again.

After for what seemed like eternity, the two then broke the hugged, smiling warmly at each other.

"You know, you should hug me more often since, it releases oxytocin..." Taufan stated, chuckling.

"Shut up. You sounded like my rival when you talk like that..." Halilintar pursed his lips, rolling his eyes playfully.

"And, that's the Hali I know~"


"Nah!~ I won't stop calling you, 'Hali'~"


"Ooh~ I'm terrified, Hali boy!~"


The two suddenly stopped taunting and teasing with one another when all of the sudden, the light element, Solar, with his friend, Duri, appeared from the scene.


Sometimes, the people who are the hardest to love...

...are the ones who need it the most.


Y E E T ! UwU

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