🔹10 - Classmates🔹

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Seemingly, there were like dozens of girls (fangirls actually) who were so thrilled to see that the famous school alchemist, Solar is there classfellow for the rest of their SPECS subject. Of course, there were also some boys in the class but only few. The majority in number were actually the girls in class.

As for the light element, it's hard to tell whether he's happy or not to see a lot of his fangirls with him with a total blank face. Well, probably he's...

"This is..." Solar grinned widely. "AMAZING! SUCH A LUCKY DAY! HAHA! I HAVE SO MANY FANGIRLS WITH ME!" He cheerfully exclaimed, making all of his so-called 'fangirls' squealed jubilantly.

Nevermind then.

Anyways, the famed alchemist searched for a vacant chair, with his fellow fangirls following him from behind with red hearts appearing from their sparkling eyes. Well, that's kind of... really creepy. Creepier than the fake realistic-looking undead zombies and eerie, scary statues that was placed outside for Halloween that scares the heck out of the litte children who only wants to receive various of sweet candies.

To pass time, Solar and his fangirls were chatting some things. Sometimes they were talking about what the light manipulator likes or hates and some different, random questions. But then, that moment didn't last much when someone unexpectedly, entered the classroom, making all of the class including Solar, looked at the newly entered student.

Unfortunately for the light element, his fangirls raced towards the new comer and gathered around in circles with all of them screaming and squealing bubbly in which of course, made the latter jealous and irritated at the same time. Apparently, the student was actually Solar's most hated rival in the universe and I think all of you can guess who it is, right?

Yes, the scary, handsome Halilintar, who just stole (well attracted actually...) his rival's fangirls away from him. Not to mention, he saw his long-time rival from a distance, even when the fangirls surrounded him and it absolutely made his day worse than it already was.

"Are you freaking kidding me...?" The golden-eyed elemental muttered as he glared at his rival whom he didn't want to be with for a long time and yet, here they are...again.

"You again...?" The fearsome bad boy grumbled, his teeth gritted in annoyance as he glared back at his rival.

"SERIOUSLY!? Are YOU TRYING to get MY FANGIRLS AWAY from ME, you CRANKY STEALER!?" The hot-headed alchemist growled, one of his eyes twitching.

Halilintar grinned. "What if I said yes?" The red-eyed element smirked, his arms crossed on his chest in a boastful way.

"THAT'S IT!" The light element leaped towards his rival and pounced on him, starting a chaotic fight between the two competitors.

Their classmates froze and watched the two rivals fight with each other. Some cheered, some were shaking in fear, some were recording them using their phones and some were just quietly watching the two.


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