🔹15 - Hangout🔹

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"Finally! Another weekend for freedom!~" The wind elemental said, stretching both of his arms up high while using his hoverboard to hover alongside with his best friend.

"Another weekend for me to not see that witch's face again. Finally, I can have peace for every once in a while." The electrical element stated, plugging his earphones in his ears.

"With me!--"

"Even without you."

Taufan pouted sadly, his shoulders dropping at the same time. "Why you have to be a meanie?" He asked, with a cute, childish tone in his voice.

"Why do you have to act like a nine-year-old kid with a body of a grown-up teenager?" The crimson-eyed boy groaned in annoyance while slightly narrowing his rubescent eyes towards his friend from head to toe.

"You're no fun sometimes..." The wind elemental huffed, playfully crossing both of his arms on his chest while continuing to hover around with his face plastered with a frown-pout.

The popular Halilintar sighed in exasperation and glanced at his friend with an annoyed-looking face. "Then, what do you want to do? You were the one who dragged me to come along and hang out with you in the first place."

The cyan blue-eyed boy grinned. "But, who didn't even declined that offer in the first place?~"

"You forced me to, idiot." The lightning elemental stated, making his wind elemental best friend chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head.

"Ahh-ha-ha, you know what? Let's just enjoy this hangout together, aye? Besides, we rarely hangout like this ever since school started, with our teachers giving us various of homeworks already that needed to be done from the past few weeks. We also need this fresh air too, right?" Taufan said, glancing at his friend while smiling afterwards. His close friend nodded and hummed in response.

"How about we go to the park? It's peaceful and relaxing there anyway. Plus! It's our favorite place ever since we were little!" The oh-so-cheerful boy suggested, earning a nod from his friend.

"Sounds good."


"Oh, come on, Sol... Please...?" The nature element pleaded, shaking his best friend lightly who's reading a novel book while making an adorable, puppy eyes at him. "Let us please play on the playground..."

The light element sighed deeply while closing his eyes tightly. "Duri, you're too old to ride slides." He said, as he emphasized all the words he'd said while busy reading his book.

"But swinging on the swings aren't, right?"

"Seemingly, yes."

"Can you be the one who would push me behind my back so I could swing?"

The famed alchemist sighed once more as he closed his book, not forgetting to mark on the last page he'd read. "Duri--"

"Please, can you do it? As a friend? As my first, closest, best friend until the very end...?" The leaf elemental begged, his forest-green eyes looking up at him sadly then his head slowly lowered down as he stared at the ground.

'I couldn't say no, could I?' Solar thought, groaning and shook his head. "Fine."

Duri's head immediately shot up. "Really?!" He exclaimed, his emerald eyes sparkling brightly in excitement. "Really, really, really!?"

The light elemental smiled genuinely. "Yeah."

The leaf element squealed with delight as he tackled his best friend into a big, warm hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Solar chuckled softly as he gently returned the hug. "You're welcome, Duri." He softly said.

Duri then broke the hug and immediately held his best friend's arm. "Come on! There's no one using the swings! We can occupy those two over there!" He cheerfully said, pointing at the vacant swing seats from a distance while playfully jumping up and down.

"Okay, okay. Calm your horses, Duri. We'll get there."


"Hey, remember that time when I first met you playing with the sands on the sandbox?" The wind elemental asked, giggling softly while seated on the bench beside his best friend and enjoyed looking around his surroundings.

"I wasn't playing with it. I was furiously scraping the sands off that time." The lightning elemental corrected, both of his arms and feet crossed together, with his back rested on the backrest of the bench while watching some kids playing on the playground.

Taufan frowned slightly. "Furious?" He asked, turning his head to look at his lightning elemental best friend. "Were you mad that time?"

The ruby red-eyed bad boy paused for a few seconds before shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. Whatever." He replied, making his friend more confused and worried at the same time. "I want to change the topic."

"Alright then..." The cyan blue-eyed boy said, then thinks of a different topic for their atmosphere not to be akward. "Well, isn't this a nice place to stay when you want to ponder or reflect on some things?" He asked, his sapphire blue eyes glancing around his surroundings with a calm smile formed on his lips.

"Mm-hmm." Was the only response given by the lightning element, taking out his water bottle from his bag (Yes, he's wearing a sling bag) and started drinking the liquid inside.

"And, when you want to get out of trouble sometimes...?" His close friend asked once more.


"And-- hey, isn't that Duri and Solar on the swings?"

After hearing that his friend mentioned his long-time rival, Halilintar suddenly choked and spits his drink out, making him cough out the remaining liquids from his mouth afterwards.

"That BRAT is HERE!?" He angrily asked, looking everywhere to find where his rival at then fumed when he found him in the end.


'Uh no... I shouldn't have said that... How stupid of me... Good job, Taufan. You just made your friend get into trouble again...' Taufan thought as he mentally face-palmed himself.

The wind elemental panicked from the inside as he didn't know what to do to calm down his friend's temper or how to get his short-tempered friend out of the scene. What made him more panicked was that, Halilintar stomped his way-- no, used his power to teleport to where his rival is currently at and there he was, meeting his rival face-to-face again.

"Oh boy..."

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