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"Hey, Hali. Everything okay?" The wind elemental worriedly asked, checking up on his friend who was staring blankly on the floor and hadn't touched any of his food on the table. It was their lunch break, and apparently for the lightning element, something's definitely going on in his mind.

The latter hummed in question as he looked up and faced his close friend. "Oh, yeah. I'm okay." He said, giving his friend a reassuring smile but then frowned at him slightly afterwards. "And, stop calling me with that embarrassing nickname for who-knows-how-many-times you've said it already."

Taufan giggled at his friend's response. "Why can't you just admit you liked that cool nickname the first time I called you that?" He asked, while smiling cheekily.

"I hate that nickname." Halilintar stated, staring at him in deadpan expression.

"Hate is a strong word. I prefer dislike though." The cheerful boy responded, then glanced at him with a frowned-pout plastered on his face. "But, hey! Don't you dare loathe that wonderful nickname I gave you! Hmph!" He huffed playfully while crossing both of his arms on his chest.

"Since when did that ever became 'cool' or 'wonderful'?" The red-eyed elemental bad boy blinked twice, with one of his eyebrows raised up.

"Because it is!"

"Tch. Whatever."

"But seriously though, is something bothering you?" Taufan asked once again, facing his friend with a concerned look on his face.

"Not really." The lightning element replied. "And it isn't about me." He added, as he then glanced at his light elemental rivalry-friend who was talking to his best friend, Duri. And clearly, Solar was only faking his smile and laughter so he wouldn't make his friend worry about him.

The wind element looked at the direction where his friend was looking at and made an 'o' shaped on his mouth when he saw who it was while slowly nodding in realization. "Oh, I see..." He grinned mischievously at his friend. "You care for your rival."

Halilintar froze for a few seconds before turning to his friend with a death glare and scowled. "I don't know what you're talking about, airhead." He muttered.

"Duh~ It's obvious. You're concerned for him."

"As his rival? No."

"Stop being so in denial, Hali. Just go and talk to him, man."

"Already did."

"Then talk to him again."

"Taufan, I'm not some kind of a rewind button that can repeat something it happened already."

"We're talking about Solar here. Not the buttons of a remote control, Hali."

"But, I'm serious!"

"I'm also serious!" Taufan snapped, making his friend shock from his sudden outburst. "Just..." He heaved a deep sigh as he placed a hand on his lightning elemental friend's shoulder. "Make him feel better. I don't want anyone to feel unhappy again. I just don't like seeing them that way..." He softly said, facing his friend gloomily.

Halilintar sighed deeply and hesitantly nodded in response.

"Fine. I'll try."


"Okay, class! Let's recall back to our topic about First Conditional Sentences that we've discussed before. And, this is also related to the topic we're focusing on right now." Their English teacher stated, and started discussing the previous lesson they had.

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