🔹30 - Adopted🔹

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Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that, certain things will never go back to how they used to be.


"Come on, Duri. Let's go. I don't think he wants to leave this crappy place anyway." Halilintar grumbled, stomping his way out of the entrance.

Duri-- who was staying outside of the orphanage for the two legendary duos to talk privately-- looked at the lightning element sadly then back at the orphanage. He wanted to get his friend out from the orphanage and give him the freedom he deserves.

And that's when, he thought of an idea.


"Where were you, Hali?" The wind element asked, gripping onto his shoulder bag while walking with Halilintar all the way towards the main entrance of their school, looking at his best friend worriedly. It's their dismissal time and currently, they're about to go home. "I heard rumours from our schoolmates that you and Duri cut classes today."

The lightning element only heaved a sigh as he looked on the opposite way, avoiding his best friend's gaze on him while crossing his arms on his chest.

"Oi! Don't ignore me! Tell me what happened!"


"Hali! Come on!"


"Hali, don't make me hug you just for you to spat what you've been hiding from me from your mouth."

"You wouldn't."

"I would. Believe me."

"I don't believe you."

"Really now?"


"Fine then... HUG ATTACK!"

All of the sudden, Taufan pounced at his best friend and tackled him into a bear hug, making the lightning element startled and tried to squirm out from his friend's grip.


"Are you going to answer me or not?~"


The wind elemental grinned, slowly loosening the hug and walked beside his friend.

"Alright then. Go ahead."


In the meantime, Solar is still stuck in the orphanage, barely even doing anything but to sit on his bed while hugging his knees onto his chest. His eyes were clearly dull, exhausted from the current situation he is having, and from everything he'd been through. He felt weak, tired and miserable.

He wanted everything to be over. He just wanted to end his life just to stop himself from all the sufferings he'd been enduring. He wanted to quit so bad and gave up with his life. He still wanted to hold on to his life, but he felt like letting go everytime. He just couldn't bare all his distress and desolation.

"Solar?! Solar!"

Suddenly, he got snapped out from his thoughts when he heard yet again, his best friend's voice calling him from downstairs. He immediately then got up from his bed but the moment did, he fell down. He felt his whole body weak as he struggled to get back on his feet.

Instead to just run downstairs, he used his power to leap where his friend is currently at. When he appeared right infront of Duri, his trembling knees gave in and let his worn out body fall on the floor. But, before it did, a pair of arms stopped it from doing so.

"Solar!" The leaf elemental exclaimed as he carefully lifted up his friend with the help of his vines from his power and gently set him down to a nearby chair. "Are you okay!? Have you been eating!? Or sleeping!? You look exhausted!" He stated, panicking while looking at his best friend worriedly. Solar only gave out a tired sigh.

"Solar, I don't want you to get sick after this! I'll be sad and upset if you do!" Duri complained, sniffling as few of his tears started trickling down his face while looking down on the ground sadly.

The whole atmosphere around them became quiet, only the soft sobs from the leaf element could be heard. But fortunately, Duri had stopped crying as he let himself calm down. Solar then glanced at his friend, and spoke.

"Duri..." The light elemental softly called, making his leaf elemental friend turn to face him. "Have you ever just cried because... you, are you?"

The nature element hummed. "Well... I do. But, it's just... who I am. I'm unique, like you. And, I'm proud being me. How about you? Are you?" He simply asked, his forest-freen glistening eyes staring at his friend.

Solar bit his lower lip, as he stared at the floor gloomily. "I don't know, Duri..." He mumbled. "It's just... I really don't know who I am... I just... I always depend from what people think of me, and I'm just so stupid and selfish for changing every bits of my life everytime, which only make myself embarrassed more... Not just for myself, but also for everyone's eyes too."

"Solar..." The leaf element calmly called, gently placing a hand on his light elemental best friend's shoulder and gave him a sad, genuine smile. "You know, you should be proud of who you are and not ashamed of how others see you."

The light element only kept his mouth shut, and let his friend talk about what he wants to say. He slowly looked up to his friend, tears started to form from his golden eyes as he faced Duri.

"Don't lower your standards for anyone or anything. Self respect is everything, Solar..." The nature element stated, then gently reached for his friend's hands and carefully pulled out his gloves, revealing the old wounds and bruises he had gotten from his parents.

Duri then took out a bandage and wrapped it gently around his hand, carefully not to hurt his best friend.

"Your wounds may scar you, but don't allow them to define you. Be better, not bitter." He said, smiling warmly at his friend as he finished wrapping Solar's hand with a bandage, covering all his wounds, bruises and his pain.

Duri then smiled genuinely once more when he saw two figures walked into the entrance. They are actually the leaf elemental's parents, gazing at them with a warm smile. The nature manipulator then glanced back at his friend, offering his hand to him.

The light elemental's eyes widened in surprise, looking at the two people then back at his friend. It was totally unexpected for him, but he deep inside, he'd never felt so happy in his entire life. His freedom that he was waiting for so long finally come.

"So, Solar... Are you ready to become a part of our family?"


A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else believes your smile.



Does my story really touchy-touchy yalls feels? °^°

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