🔹2 - Commotion🔹

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The bad boy was triggered by what his friend just said. He glanced at the direction where his wind elemental friend was looking.

"What in the name of nutcrackers are you doing here, Sunny Lamp!?"

The lightning element scowled at his one and only rival: Solar. His ruby, red eyes narrowed directly at the said element with his teeth clenched tightly.

The light elememtal alchemist turned around, only to meet his long-year rival: Halilintar face to face. He grinned, placing both of his hands on his waist.

"Oh. It's you again...Globophobic Dracula." Solar snorted. "And what? I'm just here to attend my first class..." The golden-eyed elemental stated, chuckling. "Why? Are you fearing that I will take all the fangirls from you?" He smirked.

"Why you little-"

Halilintar was about to make his rival taste his own medicine when his wind elemental friend stopped him from doing so.

"O-Okay, Hali...L-Let's just find some seats..." Taufan chuckled nervously while pulling his short-tempered friend away from his rival and  went to find some chairs for the two of them.

"Ah! Let's sit here!-"


The wind element got startled by someone slamming his hand hardly on the table of his chosen seat.

"Sorry, this seat is occupied already." Solar said, grinning while slamming his other hand to the seat next to it. "And this seat too."

"Oh..." The navy blue-eyed element sighed in defeat, his lips slightly pouting sadly.

Seeing his closest friend gloomy made the lightning element boiled his head in anger while glaring at the mean alchemist.

"You freaking, ungrateful witch!" Halilintar exclaimed angrily. "Like there are names on that freaking chair!" He snapped, pointing at the two chairs the light element conquered.

"Well, I was the first one who occupied these two chairs!" The golden-eyed element argued. "And, do you need proofs that these chairs are already occupied?" The alchemist asked and pasted two papers on the chair, naming his name and his friend's name: Duri. "There! So, they're permanently occupied!"

"You're a fool, you know that!?"

"But intelligent! Unlike you, vicious vampire!"

With all the scandalous happening inside the classroom made all the students from inside stopping talking to each other and turned around, watching all the commotion happening from the two rivals.

The wind element on the other hand, was sweatdropping while glancing at each and one of their classmates watching the arguments between the two, infamous rivals. He looked back at the two boys anxiously.

"What's going on here?!"

All the commotion stopped and stayed quiet, all their attention went to the person standing from the doorway of their classroom. Few students gulped while others were trembling in fear when they saw the school's student government president: Gempa. Students started whispering and murmuring to each other.

The student leader walked towards the two rivals, his hands formally placed on his back. As he reached the two boys, he faced them sternly.

"Give me a good reason why you two are causing ruckus on the first day of class?" He simply asked, his eyes glaring at the two.

"He started it!" The lightning and light element responded in unison, pointing at each other. The earth element could only rose a brow up from their childish actions.

The school president hummed. "This will only be a warning. Once I caught both of you starting yet another arguments, you'll talk face to face with the school principal, and me." Gempa threatened and started walking away, exiting the classroom silently.

After the president left, the popular duo then glared at each other.

"It's all your fault!"

"My fault?! You're the one who started the fight in the first place!"

"You talk big! It was you!"

"Guys!" The wind element desperately shouted, making the two famed boys faced him. "Please don't start another fight!" He said, squeezing his eyes shut while gritting his teeth.

The two notable elements huffed and looked away from each other, pissed while crossing both of their arms on their chests.

"Come on. Let's just keep it cool for a while. Besides, it's the first day of school, right?" Taufan stated, smiling nervously.

Both the lightning and the light elemental sighed in defeat.


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