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The two popular rivals stopped and froze, not daring to even move an inch. Their eyes were opened widely, their hearts started pumping faster than the normal heart rate and beads of sweat started trickling down their faces.

The students surrounding the famous, legendary duos got startled, their whole body started trembling in fear. They backed away from the chaos, not wanting to be a part of the student government president's wrath.

"What were the two of you think you're doing?" Gempa asked with a gentle yet scary, intimidating smile, his hazel-gold eyes narrowing towards them in suspicion.

Another drop of sweat trickled down the rivals' faces as they started thinking of an excuse to save themselves.

"I just...I accidentally tripped on Halilintar's shoe while passing by him. I was clumsy that time...! Hahaha...!"

"Solar's jacket accidentally hooked up a thread somewhere on my jacket. Haha..ha...!"

'That's the lamest excuse I've ever said...' Both of the rivals thought to themselves while mentally face-palming about their stupidity.

The earth elemental hummed, staring at the two of them in suspicion. Both of the competitors gulped, as they were feeling tensed on the inside.

"Oh, Gempa! Sorry 'bout that. Me and Duri just created a dare for them to fight, but just in a playful manner." A familiar vibrant tone ringed both the lightning element and light element, making their heads faced the doorway to see a person, two people actually, who were standing outside of their classroom while peeking through them. Halilintar and Solar was surprised to see their best friends, Taufan and Duri by the doorway. Not only they were surprised about their presence being here but also to the fact that, they lied to Gempa just to save the both of them.

"Oh, I see..." The student government president turned his head to face the two innocent students. "Then, I guess it's not a surprise at all that both of you will get detention for the first time for violating a rule of starting a chaos in the middle of the class hours and also for taking control of your own schoolmates." He stated, shrugging afterwards.

The two competitors couldn't help but feel guilty and bad for letting their best friends get involved in the mess. They knew they don't deserve to get detention. But, they do not know why they even done it in the first place.

"It's okay. It's our fault anyway. We take the blame. We deserved it." Duri said, cracking a smile.

Gempa sighed deeply. "I hope you two won't do it again since, I know you two are good and obedient students I knew here." He said, curving a calm, small smile and exited the classroom.

As soon as Gempa left the classroom, the teo rivals immediately went to their friends. Well, for the lightning element, he stomped his way towards his friend with his face furiously frowning at him.

"Idiot, why did you do this to yourself?!" Halilintar asked his friend, slightly irritated. He was angry. Angry, because his friend just got involved in his problem. Angry, because his friend just got himself a detention because of him. But deep inside, he was just worried since, he cares about him. "You shouldn't have done that!"

The wind elemental smiled sadly. "I don't want you to be in trouble again. As a friend, I'm also worried about you since, I care for you. And also, I don't want you to end up getting punished nor get suspended from school by Gempa just because of you and Solar fighting over something everyday. So, I take the blame instead." He stated, shrugging his shoulders afterwards.

The red-eyed elemental sighed in exasperation, his head shaking in disbelief. He slowly looked at his friend, with a sad frown. "Just...don't do it again. I appreciate your sacrifice for me and...I'm sorry you took the blame." He said, looking away.

Taufan smiled brightly, crashing his friend into a warm, bear hug. Surprised with the sudden action, Halilintar blushed in embarrassment.

"Anything for my best friend!~"

"O-Oi! N-No hugs, airhead!"


"You know Duri, you don't deserve to be in detention. You were innocent earlier. Why take the blame?" The famed alchemist asked, his face frowning slightly in worry.

"Why would I let my best friend who helped me throughout the years get punish?" Duri questioned, his head tilted slightly while smiling warmly.

"That's not...Duri, what I mean is--"

"I hated seeing you getting detention. Especially, when the reason is that, you and Halilintar are getting into trouble again. When you get detention, I'll have no one to talk to nor be with."

The light element glanced at his friend while feeling the guilt inside him. He sighed deeply, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Duri. I hope you forgive me."

Duri only smiled sadly. "I've already forgiven you, Solar." He said. "But..." The nature element heaved a sigh as he glanced at his two schoolmates on their side, a few meters away from them. He looked at a one particular student, then looked back at his best friend with his face slightly gloomy.

"When are you two going to be in good terms...?"

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