🔹12 - Detention🔹

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"Goodluck in your Cookery subject though." The light elemental said, winking afterwards.

The nature elemental smiled widely. "Thanks Solar! You too! See ya later!~" He cheerfully said, bidding his farewell to his best friend and went to his respective SPECS class.

After a while, the moment Duri entered his classroom, he suddenly realized something.

"Oh no! I forgot my notebook! I'm so doomed if I won't get it fast before the class starts." He panicked, quickly rushing out of his class and went to where his locker is to get his notebook.

'Calm down, calm down, calm down, Duri. Just get the notebook and everything will be okay...' He thought as he kept running to where his locker is located with his eyes shut and his mind repeatedly saying his thoughts.

Too preoccupied with his thoughts, he didn't noticed someone was already infront of him and accidentally bumped to that person, which resulted both of them to fall on the ground with a loud thud.

The leaf element groaned and sat up. "S-Sorry..." He murmured.

"I-It's fine." The person said and looked up to where he just bumped with, making his eyebrows furrowed with his head slightly tilted. "Duri?"

The green-eyed boy reluctantly faced the person, his face was slightly surprised seeing the infront of him. "Taufan...?"

"Hey! How are ya?" The wind elemental cheerfully asked, grinning. Duri smiled.

"Good. You?"

"Well...fine, I guess...?"

"Hey, you're in Cookery too, right?" Taufan asked, earning a nod from the nature element.

"Cool!" The cyan blue-eyed boy exclaimed, standing up from the ground. "Let's go to class together?" He asked, offering his hand for Duri to stand up from the ground while smiling.

Duri's smile widened as he willingly accepted his hand, getting up from the ground. "Okay! But, wait! I still have to get my notebook quick!" He said and was about to run to his locker when Taufan spoke up.

"Hey Duri, we still have ten minutes. You don't need to rush too much..." The wind element stated, looking at his watch then shoved his hand on the pocket of his pants.

"Oh, really?" Duri asked, his face frowned slightly in confusion.

"Yeah!" Taufan replied, laughing softly afterwards. "How about I come with you to go to your locker then let's go to our SPECS class together? Since, we still have time." He suggested, shrugging.

"That'll be a great idea!" The leaf element said with enthusiasm.

Both Taufan and Duri then walked to the leaf manipulator's locker while having fun talking with one another as if they're talking about a topic wherein both of them are interested at. Topics like their favorite hobbies, foods, places to go, and many more. Although their best friends are actually rivals with each other, we can say that these two are very much different from the famous duos.

As the two innocent boys are chatting with each other, it was very peaceful. No arguments, no bickers, no trash talks, no rude comments nor even calling each other pet names. They just happened to be having a conversation in a normal way, unlike their popular friends.

"That's cool! Can you teach me how to use a skateboard someday?" Duri asked, his ever-bright smile widened, same goes to his forest-green eyes.

"Of course! And in return, can you help me with our recent lesson which is about Botany? I'm kind of confused with this lesson honestly..." Taufan said, laughing nervously while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

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