🔹24 - Good Terms🔹

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Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.


Our similarities bring us to a common ground; Our differences allow us to be fascinated by each other.


Right after the lightning element and the light element saw each other, their eyes intensely narrowed into slits while looking at each other. Their friends felt uneasy again, making themselves shrunk on the ground where they're standing at while anxiously glancing at the two rivals. The whole atmosphere then became menacing, causing Taufan and Duri to sweat nervously and bit their lower lips nervously.

Meanwhile with Blaze and Ais, their eyes blinked in disbelief while staring at the two, popular competitors blankly. "You have got to be kidding me..." They both muttered in unison. All of the sudden...

"Wazzup, famous bad boy in school!~" Solar vividly said, grinning then did a fistbump with the lightning element. The latter gave him a smirk as he fistbump his rival back.

"Sup, well-known alchemist of Stanford High!"

From a few meters away, Taufan and Duri's jaw dropped as they stared at the two rivals in disbelief. They didn't expect that they're actually in good terms already. The fire and ice element from the other hand, could only sigh in relief.

"Wha- Since when did the both of you became friends already?!" The wind elemental asked, his face's still filled with shock and disbelief while looking at the two, famed boys.

"Long story, Taufan..." The light elemental alchemist replied, winking afterwards.

"There's no way!" Duri cheerfully exclaimed, while smiling brightly and widely. "Finally, both of you are in good terms now!" He added, as he squealed from the inside with full of giddiness.

"And, hey Hali! You're unfair! How come you fistbump with Solar but not me?! Hmph!" Taufan huffed playfully, pouting afterwards while crossing his arms on his chest. His lightning elemental friend only snickered whilst Solar chuckled lightly.

"Wait a minute, how about you two? How did you two became 'all-good' now?" The light element curiously asked, with his eyebrows furrowed.

The wind and leaf elemental giggled. "Thanks for them!" They said in unison as they pointed towards to where Blaze and Ais are. The latter only chuckled nervously as they awkwardly waved their hands at them. "Come on Blaze/Ais! Join us!"

The two childhood friends exchanged glances at each other for a moment before curving a small smile and nodded in agreement, both of them walking towards to where the four are.

"H-Hey, partners in rivalry...!" Blaze greeted, while laughing nervously. The two competitors only gave him a blank look and raised one of their eyebrows up at him. The fire element then became uncomfortable all of the sudden. "I... won't anymore cause ridiculous actions, I swear!"

Both Halilintar and Solar glanced at each other for a few moments with their arms crossed before looking back at him, again in deadpan expression.

Blaze gulped. "...Oh boy..." He mumbled, with a fear tone in his voice and lowered his head down in embarrassment.

"I know you won't because you already learned your lesson." The light elemental spoke, shrugging his shoulders afterwards. The lightning elemental on the other hand, nodded. His response made the fire element looked up and tilted his head slightly in confusion.

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