🔹20 - Forgive or Forget🔹

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"Do you have friends, Hali?" The cyan blue-eyed elemental asked, glancing sideways at the lightning element who was quiet all along and exhausted after chasing him around the park. The latter simply shook his head in response.

"Oh... Well, I'll be your first friend then!" Taufan cheerfully said, smiling brightly at his-friend-already, Halilintar.

The silent one only pursed his lips as he looked away, but deep inside, he was glad. He was glad, because finally, someone out there cares and wants to be friends with him. He was glad, that he wasn't invisible to someone's eyes anymore. He was glad, that someone came to his life. That someone, is none other than Taufan, his first friend he'd met and will always be his friend until the very end.

"By the way, do you have a family?" Taufan asked, his head tilting slightly. "Your parents might be looking for you..."

Family, the lightning element thought as that word was already triggering him just by hearing it. Honestly, he doesn't know what family means to him anymore. He wasn't treated as if he was part of the family at all. His parents never given him enough love nor care, causing him to become depress at a very early age.

He hated his family. He hated everything about his family. The only reason why he ran away from home. The reason why he ended up in the park, alone, with no one, not even his parents, calling him to come back home where it's safe. No, he wasn't safe at home at all. It'll only hurt him deep inside when he'll only stay there for sure.

Halilintar felt tears started to welled up from his eyes as the wind element took notice of it, which made him shock and started panicking. "Oh no! Are you okay?! Why are you crying?! Is it because of what I said?! If it is, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" He apologized, stammering at some words he'd mentioned.

The lightning elemental sniffled, wiping the tears away from his eyes using the back of his hand. "It's fine. You only asked so, it isn't wrong to ask a question..." He calmly stated, making the frightened boy sighed in relief. "Well, I do have a family... before. But, I ran away from that family. Now, I don't have any..." He said, clenching his fists tightly as he tried to prevent another round of his tears from flowing.

The little wind elemental gasped in shock, looking at his friend with his face filled of worry. "Why would you run away from your family?" He asked. The lightning element heaved a deep sigh once more as he lowered his head, staring down on the ground in distress.

"They don't treat me right... All they do is just... drink alcohol everyday, seemed that they don't remember having a son, nor my existence to this world..." He replied, shaking his head in disbelief. "How oblivious of them to actually forget about me..." He muttered.

"Hali..." Taufan softly whispered, wrapping his arms around the depress elemental as he gave him a warm, comforting hug. "Don't worry, I'll be here for you. You'll never be alone anymore. You're welcomed to be part of my family." He genuinely said, as he pulled away from the hug a bit then gave his friend a genuine, warm smile.

Hearing those words made the dreary lightning elemental's heart whole again. As if, his world became colorful and bright again. He'd never felt so much better, so peaceful, so safe. He thought his whole life would only be a dull and miserable, but his first ever friend, Taufan told him otherwise.

His lips were trembling, his rubescent eyes were wide, with its pupils shaking as tears started to form again from his tired eyes. He was always wishing that someone would just drag him out from the darkness. And that only wish he'd hoped for, was already beside him, giving him the attention he needed and been longing for so long.

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