🔹13 - Strange🔹

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Few months have passed...

The popular duos, Halilintar and Solar still, aren't yet in good terms.

Up to this time, they kept babbling about who's more popular and good-looking, arguing who's better than the other, bickering about small things, insulting or calling each other pet names, and fighting with one another physically for who-knows-when and who-knows-how-long, then behaves when Gempa is around.

But with the light elemental, Solar, a sentence-- specifically a question-- kept repeating and echoing in his mind for a while now.

"When are you two going to be in good terms?"

Duri, his nature elemental best friend, once asked this to him that day before both he and Taufan were sent to have detention, because of that one lie they'd said to save both him and Halilintar.

Indeed, Solar, up to this time, felt guilty about that incident, especially to the fact that their friends were innocent that time. They haven't even done anything wrong yet they still took the blame and sacrificed their selves for the sake of the two famous rivals. For Solar, he thought that those two innocent boys were so selfless that time, and it kind of bothers him whenever they get their selves into trouble over something they're not even part of.

But the real question is...

Who even started the fight in the first place?

Maybe, his best friend, Duri is right. He and Halilintar should've been in good terms in the beginning when they met each other. Maybe, Taufan and Duri wouldn't have been in detention if they hadn't fought with one another in the first place. Maybe, there would've been peace if both of them should've became friends before until now.

"Hello? Earth to Solar? Still there?" Taufan asked as he waved a hand infront of Solar's face, making the latter snapped back from his deep thoughts.

"Huh, what?" The light elemental stammered, glancing at the wind element with his face looking bewildered.

"I was asking you how should I find the value of x in this equation..." The cyan blue-eyed boy stated, showing a certain equation in his math notebook to his seatmate. "Your mind is like...floating somewhere for a while now. You aren't like this before..." He added, his head tilting slightly to the side while furrowing his eyebrows.

Solar just simply shook his head. "I'm fine. What's the equation you're showing again?" He asked, taking a swift glance at the wind elemental's math notebook.


"Oh, that's easy. First, you have to..."


"Hey Blaze! You going home with me today?" Ais asked, sipping on to his chocolate chip drink.

"Sorry. Can't now, Ais! I have varsity today!" The fire elemental replied as he stretched his arms and legs to warm-up before their practice starts.

"Oh...Alright, see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, see ya!"

Blaze waved at his childhood friend goodbye then went back to do his warm-ups. He did a few more stretches and, did some jumping jacks for last. After all his warm-ups, he rested for a bit as he needed to catch for some air while feeling the pounding of his heart hardly and sweats begun trickling down his face.

"Heya Blaze!" A boy with bright, cyan-blue eyes greeted cheerfully while smiling merrily.

Blaze turned to his side and grinned, raising a hand up to the newcomer. "Taufan!"

As soon as the wind elemental came at his varsity buddy's side, the two of them did a secret handshake together, chest-bumping with one another in the end.

"I'm glad you made it here! I thought you won't make it!" The fire elemental said.

"Hey! I've been playing football for almost all my years here in our school. Plus, our coach recognized me for all my varsity training here." The wind elemental answered, shrugging his shoulders slightly while curving a small grin on his lips.

"Oh, well, I just thought coach won't let you join anymore just so other players who are so eager to join can be part of the varsity too. And, among all the players here, you're the only one who's like the 'oldest' one in here since, you've been a part of football varsity for a long time. Not to mention, this is like my 3rd time joining." The crimson-eyed boy stated, pursing his lips.

Taufan hummed. "Well, I do want others to join but actually, I wasn't the one who's planning to join again, but our coach..." He replied, his face frowning slightly. "He insisted for me to join the varsity again because he said I shouldn't let go of the opportunity and he doesn't want me to waste my passion, which is kind of...true, I guess?"

"Seems like someone's have been the coach's favorite varsity player for a long time..." Blaze smirked, winking at Taufan afterwards.

"Ah, shut up Blaze..." The cyan blue-eyed elemental groaned and started doing his warm-ups. "By the way, speaking of someone..." He said and looked at the fire element. "Solar's been acting strange lately..."

"You mean that famous, four-eyed Einstein genius who's meddling up with my phone back then?"

"Yeah- wait, what?" Taufan furrowed his eyebrows while looking at Blaze in disbelief.

"Yep, he did meddled with my phone once. But, let's just get on to the topic you're saying. So, what about that dude?" Blaze mentioned, crossing both of his arms on his chest.

"Well, during our math class earlier, there was one time, our math teacher called Solar to answer a particular equation on the blackboard..."


"Mr. Solar, can you answer this equation written on the blackboard?" Their math teacher asked, facing at the light elemental while pointing at a certain equation using a chalk.


"Mr. Solar?"







The light elemental alchemist jolted and finally snapped back to reality.

"Huh?!-- Y-Yes, Sir??"

The math teacher sighed in irritation. "Next time, PAY MORE ATTENTION, UNDERSTOOD?!"

"Y-Yes, Sir!"


"I don't really get it. Solar's the one who's always attentive and participative in class. Now, he's kind of...off lately, don't you think?" The wind element bit his lower lip, with his eyes blinking twice.

"That's weird..." Blaze commented. "Does this happen often?"

"During our Math classes this week, yeah."

"Maybe, something's bothering him?"

Taufan hummed in thought. "Maybe...?"

"How about this, try observing him as time passes by, maybe you'll know what's going on with him soon?" Blaze suggested, earning a nod from his varsity buddy in return.

"Yeah, I guess I'll try that."

"Alright boys! It's time to start our training!"


Sorry for being inactive lately...

Been busy these past few weeks, hope you guys understand...

See ya guys in the next chappy! ^^

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