🔹3 - Hug🔹

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"Fine." The two popular, stubborn elementals said in unison.

"Great! I'm just gonna find some seats for me and Hali here!" The navy blue-eyed boy cheerfully said and started searching some chairs for him and his friend.

The rival duos on the other hand, glared once again at each other and started shoving and pushing each other's faces in a childish way.

"Take this!-"

"No, you take this!-"

"Take your dang hands off me, you!-"

"Get your filthy hands away from me, freaking!-"

"Hey Hali!~" The two famous, naughty boys immediately behaved and smiled nervously when they saw the wind element came back.

"I saw some two seats for both of us! Shall we go and sit down now?" Taufan asked, his head slightly tilted at the side while smiling cheerily.

"Sure." The lightning element replied, gesturing his best friend to go ahead.

He paused as he glanced back at the light element, his red, ruby eyes menacingly glaring at him before he followed his wind elemental friend afterwards. The alchemist only scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Solar!" A voice cheerfully called the light element, making the latter turned around. Solar smiled as he saw his nature elemental friend: Duri, sprinting towards him.

The leaf manipulator embraced his best friend tightly. "I missed you so much! How are you doing?" Duri asked, smiling widely.

The light element chuckled and returned the hug gently. "I'm doing good, Duri." He softly said, patting his best friend's back calmly.

On the other hand, the lightning element and the wind element was watching the two from afar, like they're spying on them.

"Aww...Look at them, Hali! Solar let Duri hug him but when I'm the one who's going to hug you, you won't let me!" Taufan whined, making the lightning element stared at him blankly with his red eyes blinked a few times in disbelief.

"Really, Taufan? You want to bring up that senseless topic?" Halilintar asked, raising up a brow.

"What? It's true! Why won't you let me hug you for even just a few seconds?" The wind element pouted.

"Seriously. Stop it." The red-eyed element stated, crossing both his arms on his chest and looked away.

The navy-blue capped boy grinned. "You don't want a hug, eh?" He smirked as he lifted both of his arms up in attempt to hug his lightning elemental friend. "Come on, tsunderehead~ Gimme a hug~"

The thunder element became alarmed and quickly pushed his friend's face away from him. "Nope! Taufan! No!" He irritatingly shouted, struggling to get his friend away from him. The wind element was laughing all along while still attempting to hug his tsundere friend.

"Come on, Hali~ Hug meh-"

"Taufan, you annoying, stupid airhead! Get away from me!-"



"HUG ME!-"




While the wind element was busy trying to hug his tsundere friend, they didn't know that someone was already snapping a picture a few distance away from them. The person grinned.



The bell for the students' break time rang and it was time for them to take their recess.

The lightning element was silently walking on the canteen while carrying his own tray of food, with his wind elemental friend beside him, carrying his own packed lunch while using his phone.

Suddenly, Halilintar heard faint whispers around the students seated from each tables, saying...

"Hey, did you see the picture of the famous Halilintar and Taufan hugging each other?"

"I'm so jealous!~"

"Oh my gosh! I wish he would also let me hug him like that!"

"Those two were adorable!"

The red-capped boy paused, his face frowning in confusion.

"I sensed something wrong..." He muttered.

"Umm....Hali?" The navy-blue eyed element called, making the lightning element turned to face his wind elemental friend.

Taufan hesitantly showed something from his phone, his hands trembling in doing so.

The thunder elemental's red eyes widened in shock with his jaw dropped, making him let go of his own tray of food and slowly dropped on the ground with a loud crash.


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