Your Majesty?!

381 16 2

I take a few steps away from Shorts. 

"I-i-i didn't m-mean t-to tell you what t-to d-do" I stammer, my body starting to shrink in on itself.

"I-i d-didn't know I b-belonged to you, I wasn't th-thinking" my lisp is auditable as I take a few more steps back, my eyes glued to shorts.

His face has a grimace and his eye sockets narrowed.  

I've pissed him off... 

I don't even know what his type of punishments is, but if their anything like Boss'...


I run. 

Out the door.

Into Snowdin.

Through town.

Past the 'unwelcome' sign.

Through the forest.

Towards the door.

I need to get to the old lady.

She said she'd help me.

I hope she wasn't lying.

I finally reach the old door and start to pound on it, ignoring the fact I can barely breathe.

"LADY, P-PLEASE, HELP!" My voice rings out as loud as it can.

I know I let my location be known, and if she doesn't help, I'll be dead.

Not only because of Shorts.

I keep hitting the door until it's opened from the other side and I fall in.

I crawl, inside shaking from the cold. "Close it! quick, please!"

I hear the door close behind me and I sigh in relief.

"Damn Lady, I owe you one," I say starting to get up and turn around.
"Sorry for barging in here unanoun-" 

My mouth snaps shut.


He's not supposed to be here!

He's supposed to be in the castle!!

I get down on one knee.

"Y-your Majesty, I-i'm so s-so s-sorry to have disturbed y-you." My voice trembles.

The king.

Behind the door. 

The one time I go beyond the door.

"Oh, no no no, there's no need for that. I gave up the crown years ago. Please, don't kneel," his voice is deep but kind, it's not right.

I slowly get off of my knee and look him over.

Blonde hair, purple robe, no shoes.

This, this can't be Asgore, a brother maybe.

"I-I, uh, Thanks, f-for opening the d-door," I say, I'm wary of this brother of the king. 

I don't know his motives.

"Of course. I always help someone in need," he smiles.

I shiver the cold setting into my bones.

"You're cold, here, come with me."

I hesitate but nod and follow him.

If there's a way I can stay away from Shorts, I'll do it.

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