Blue + Red = Purple

330 16 4

-Red's Pov-

We walk in silence back to New Boss's house.

That's what I'm gonna call him until he tells me to call him something else.

It's the only thing I'm sort of comfortable calling someone who's "in charge" of me.

That won't matter when he says something else I guess.

Me being comfortable doesn't matter.

I'm me after all.

My bones slightly rattling from the cold, I try to quiet the noise as much as I can, trying not to annoy New Boss. 

He sighs and I stiffen.

"ya know, I kinda wanted to let you stay there with Fluffy, you seem a lot more comfortable with him," he mutters, sounding bored but not?

"but, Fluffy knows best I guess. For now, you get to hang out with me and my brother while Fluffy is gone. Maybe I can help you get back to where you came from if you wanted. "

I just nod. 

The thought of going back home is exciting but absolutely terrifying.

"well, we're here," he says before turning to walk up the steps to the house.

I follow him up and through the door, turning to shut and lock the door as I had been trained.

I close the door and go to lock the door but there isn't one.

I blink, thinking my eyes are playing tricks on me.

Nope, there is actually no lock on the door.

Is New Boss trying to get killed?

I don't know whether to tell him that his lock is missing and risk getting yelled at, or not tell him and risk getting us all killed.

I guess I should just stay quiet, and stay alert.

"uh, hey bud, you okay?" New Boss asks. 

Shit, I froze again, better make up an excuse. 

" I um, y-yeah, was j-just admiring the door, B-boss," I say turning to face him, my eye lights small. 

"Okay..." New Boss looks, oh what's the word, concerned?

-Carrot's Pov-

Again with the Boss name? 

I'll have to ask about it later, now is not the best time.

"So, uh, welcome back. Blue should be here soon, he's never late," I say looking at a clock on the wall.

He just nods, looking towards the ground, slightly looking around the room, trying to be discreet but failing.

I shift uncomfortably on my feet, "so, um, you hungry?"

Why is my go-to always food?

He shakes his head slightly.

"Are you sure?"

He starts to nod but shakes his head.

"So you are hungry?"

He nods, hesitantly.

"Okay, let's head to the kitchen then," I say walking towards the kitchen and more importantly, food.

I hear his feet pitter patting along the ground behind me.

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