Puns and pain

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-Red's Pov-

I wake up to the smell of bacon and being surrounded by warmth. 

I snuggle into what I assume is a blanket, clutching the softness tightly, rubbing my face against it. 

I hear a chuckle coming from the blanket. 

Wait, can blankets laugh?

No. No, they can't.

"That tickles you know," I hear a sleepy voice say. 

I quickly let go and sit up on the bed, realizing I was still holding New Boss. 

"I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean ta do that," I say, squeezing my legs together, causing them to shake. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay," he says sitting up.

"I don't mind at all," he smiles a lazy smile and I feel heat rush to my face.

He seems to notice this as his smile grows.

"It seems that you're a bit red in the face."

My brain stops working for a second.

Did, did New Boss just make a joke?

A pun??

My mind isn't wrapping around the fact that a Boss made a pun.

His smile drops a little, "sorry, I guess that one was a little cheesy."

I take a deep breath, making a decision I hope I won't regret.

"I-it's okay, I'm just g-glad you mustard up th-the courage to t-tell it," I say, a small smile on my face.

His smile grows again, "I'll tell you what, Honey, I relish the fact that you liked it."

The red on my face grows a little, "oh I s-sea what you did there."

"I'm shore you do," he responds chuckling.

I laugh slightly, "water w-we doing today, and be pacific."

"Well, I wanted to go to the store to get you clothes," he answers. 

I stop for a second, realizing he's gonna be choosing what I wear. 

"I-I'll just g-go with the flow," I say shrugging. 

"just try to keep clam, currently you don't have much, if anything so Blue and I want to help you out whale you stay here."

New Boss must be really good at puns, he literally had three puns in one sentence.

well, I'm good at puns as well. 

I bend down a little, "All hail the p-pun master, you've really got me washed up here. Next, you're p-probably g-gonna hang me out to dry."

New Boss opens his mouth to say something back when we hear feet running up the stairs. 

New Boss stands up and opens the window then sits back down.

I tilt my head a bit, wanting to ask why but knowing I shouldn't.

The door bursts open, making me jump. 

"GOOD MORNING! I MADE BREAKFAST!" Loud Boss shouts happily. 

"Morning Blue, it's good to sea ya," New Boss says, making sure the pun was noticeable. 

"Papy, you better not be doing what I think you're doing," Loud Boss says crossing his arms. 

"Water you talking about, bro?" He asks, feigning innocence.

"PAPYYYYYYYY" L!Boss says sounding annoyed. 

"Well, just tell me to stop."

"Stoooooop!" L!Boss says

N!Boss chuckles as he admits defeat, "alright alright, I'll stop."

"Thank you," L!Boss says. 

"Now," he continues, "I'm going to training, and I need you two to make sure you get out of the house and do something, it's not good for you guys to stay inside all day."

"Don't worry, Blue, we're going to go clothes shopping for Red today," New Boss informs his smaller counterpart. 

"Good! I was starting to think I might run out of pajamas," L!Boss says. 

I look down at the clothes I'm wearing. 

These are PJs for him?

These are clothes that I could only dream to have at Boss' place. 

"Well don't worry, we'll be going right after you leave," New Boss 

"Alright, then I'm off!" L!Boss says as he takes a running jump, headfirst out the window. 


"Awe, it's good to know you care, buddy," He says while closing his window, "and yes, he does know that. He's gotten better at his training with Alphys and likes to show off from time to time."

He turns to me, "now, let's get you some warm clothes and head off to the store."


He walks to his closet and opens it, looking in. most of the clothes are on the floor but a few have a nice spot in the closet. 

On the floor, but in the closet. 

He looks through them and pulls out a red hoodie. 

"there you are," he whispers to the hoodie before standing up and tossing it to me. 

I jump but grab it quickly. 

"I'm gonna go grab you some pants from Blue's room, try on the hoodie and see if you like it 'kay?"

I nod. 

He leaves the room and I put on the red tent, feeling warmth flow over me like someone had just worn it. 

He comes in holding some black sweat pants, some grey tennis shoes that look like they've never been worn in their entire existence and grey socks. 

He puts them onto the bed nicely and says that when I'm done getting dressed I should head downstairs to grab some of the food before we leave.

I tell him okay, thanks, and he leaves.  

I hurriedly get dressed and start to walk out of the room. 

As I near the door, I trip over a big white fluff ball, landing on my knee, hearing a small crack. 

"damn it," I hiss as I hold my knee, I pull up the sweat pant's leg and see a little line of bone marrow flows out of a new crack. 

 "You alright?" I hear New Boss call from downstairs. 

"Ye-yeah, just tripped, B-boss," I say quickly as I pull the pant leg down, getting up.

I feel pain shoot through my leg and whimper but continue to walk downstairs. 

"you know, you don't have to call me that," He says as he finishes setting the table.

 "I would actually prefer it if you'd call me- what's wrong?" he asks looking up at me. 

Is my pain really that visible?

"N-nothin' I-i'm fine."

"did you get hurt?" he asks, putting the plate in his hand down and coming over to me.

"'m fine," I say quietly.

"No, you're not, come sit on the couch," he tells me reaching for my shoulder.

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