You okay?

257 15 1

I teleport us into the living room of our house.

I land perfectly, easily taking back my balance as my feet hit the ground. 

Red, on the other hand, is clutching his stomach with his free hand, while still holding the mustard bottle in the other. 

"I th-think Imma hurl," he says bending over.

I toss the bag of clothes onto the couch.

"Don't worry, you're not gonna puke," I reassure him as I take the food into the kitchen and set it on the table, "It's just an effect from my shortcut, you get used to it after a while."

"That wasn't like m-my shortcuts," he says quietly. 

"You can teleport?" I ask, setting the food out. 

"... uh...," he responds, unsure of how to answer.

"well, the food is getting cold, how about you come and eat yours?" I say trying to shift the conversation away from anything that is gonna make him uncomfortable.

He stumbles into the kitchen, obviously, the shortcut had helped sober him up, but I don't think that's gonna be the best idea for asking him personal questions. 

I sit down in front of my food and wait for him to take a seat. 

He quickly sits down and looks at his food. 

I grab one of my honey muffins and start to eat. 

He seems to notice this out of the corner of his eyesocket as he starts to eat as well.

We sit in silence as we eat, not a really awkward silence, just silence. 

as our quiet meal goes on, I notice that Red's movements are getting a tad bit sloppy as he takes more drinks from the mustard.

Is this a normal reaction from him? 

With normal mustard?

"So," I start, trying to test how drunk he actually is, "you can teleport."

He nods before putting the last part of his burger into his mouth, the light blush is a little darker.

I take notice of his darkening blush and take it as a sign that he's plenty drunk. 

I decide to bring something up that I had noticed at the diner. 

"Hey, Red? Can you read?" I ask, trying to make it as casual as I can.

"Huh? oh, yeah," He responds. 

"You seemed to have a hard time reading the menu at the diner, so that's why I was asking."

"Well, that's 'cause I couldn't read the menu," he tells me while eating fries that he'd covered with mustard from an extra bottle the spiders had put in the bag. 

"Wait, I thought you said you could read?" I question, confused.

"not that weird crap on the menu," he says bluntly, his stutter long gone.

I think he's getting upset, but in the diner, he seemed like a happy little baby bones. 

Maybe he's bipolar when drunk?

"I see, well, I think we should probably clean up before Blue gets home," I tell him while looking at my watch. 

I stand up and stretch. heh.

I look towards Red when I'm done stretching. 

He's staring at the table, seemingly zoned out.

His blush is slowly disappearing.

Maybe his mustard's effects don't last that long?

I mean it's not like it's alcohol, so I guess that makes sense? 

I start cleaning up our food mess, letting him sober up. 

I finish throwing away the trash and start to wipe off the table. 

Once I finish with that I tap Red on the shoulder. 

"Hey, bud? Could you go sit on the couch while I finish up cleaning?"

He jolts, "W-what?"

"I need you to go sit on the couch while I finish cleaning okay?" I say again. 

"O-okay," He says, his stutter is back.

"Thanks," I say smiling. 

He gets up and goes to sit on the couch. 

I hurry to finish cleaning. 

I hear the front door open and close slightly as I finish up cleaning the kitchen.

I turn and see Blue walking in, quietly.

Immediately warning flags start to wave as I study my brother. 

His usual energetic energy is gone, his smile is barely there, he didn't say hello as he walked through the door, there's dirt on his usually spotless armor, and his scarf is gone. 

I drop the rag that was in my hand and rush over to my brother. 

"Sans, what happened?" I ask, looking him over. 

"I just fell, Papy, I'm fine," he tells me, walking past me.

"Where's your scarf then?" I ask turning and following him.

"I forgot it this morning," he mutters.

"You never forget it!" I counter, "Sans, just tell me what happened."

"I TOLD YOU I FELL!" he yells at me.

I stop in my tracks at the bottom of the stairs. 

He stops at the top of the stairs. 

"I'm going to bed," is all he says before going into his room.

He's never yelled at me before.

Sans, yelled at me.

My brother.

I slowly make my way to the couch.

"He actually yelled at me."

-Red's Pov-

I sit on the couch, twiddling my thumbs as New Boss finishes cleaning up.

It's so uncomfortable on this couch, it doesn't feel right. 

The door opens and I slightly turn towards it, to see out of the corner of my eye.

It's Loud Boss, but, different? 

He seems like he was just dragged through the mud. 

New Boss runs over to him, inspecting him worriedly. 

"Sans, what happened?"

"I just fell, Papy, I'm fine."

"where's your scarf then?"

They make their way to the stairs, L!Boss in front of them.

"I forgot it this morning."

"You never forget it! Sans, just tell me what happened."

It's so weird hearing my name being used to talk to someone else. 


I flinch at the loudness from the blue skeleton. 

"I'm going to bed."

New Boss stands there for a long while, before turning to me, and slowly walking to the couch. 

He sits down.

"He actually yelled at me."

I scooch away from him slightly, not knowing how he's going to react to L!Boss' outburst. 

He just seems frozen. 

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