Strange little Blueberry

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-Edge's Pov-

'Blue' closes the door and looks at me and Undyne.

"Uh, you guys I gotta go downstairs quick, okay? Don't break anything while I'm gone. Also, sorry for shoving you in the closet. you can come out now," he whispers. 

I push my way out of the small closet first, shoving Undyne behind me, she hisses in response. 

"Why on earth do we have to stay in here?! Why can't-" I start.

"SHH! If Papy hears you I'll be in so much trouble!" the small skeleton says quietly, covering my mouth.

"Well, then again, I don't think he'd mind. He has a friend over right now anyway."

I pull his hand off my face and pull him close.

"Don't EVER touch me like that again, understood?" I demand quietly, letting a small flame rise from my left socket. 

He nods, unfazed, "Alright, I'll try!" 

My mind goes blank, I've never had someone not be affected by my glare.

He looks to his hand, "Can I have my arm back? I gotta go see my bro quick."

I release it and he thanks me. 

"I'll be back soon, don't go anywhere!" He tells us, before going through the door. 

"Interesting," Undyne says. 

"What is it now?" I ask, shaking off the weird feeling in my bones.

"He doesn't seem to be afraid of you, what kind of a world is this if they have no fear here?" 

"I don't know, but we need to get back to ours as soon as possible," I respond. 

"Agreed. I feel like it's making us soft already, we allowed that squirt to push us in the closet."

"That won't happen again," I tell her, taking a seat on the bed, "He's definitely not the smartest monster on the block."

Undyne takes a seat beside me, looking around the room, "True, who gives two random strangers the key to your house? Especially to people who attacked you in the forest?"

"He's something else," I say, thinking back to not so long ago.


I had pinned him to a tree by the neck.

Confusion and fear were printed on his face.

"You've been gone for a week! How the hell did you end up here?!" I demanded. 

"I-I've never seen you before in my life!" He said, struggling to breathe as he pulls against my hand.

"BULLSHIT!" I yell in his face. 

"Your Boss was looking all over the underground for you! He dragged me all the way here to find you!"

Recognition went across his face. 

"wait, you *cough* you're Boss?" he choked out, his face turning blue. 

Strange, it's a different color than usual.

"No shit!" I said, tossing him to the ground. 

I started to walk towards him, a smirk on my face.

"Wait! You have me confused with someone else!"

"Oh really? and who might that be?" I questioned, bending down in front of him.

"Red!" he said, "You've confused me with Red."

"And why would we believe you?" Undyne asked, bending down beside me.

"Because, uh, well, I don't have his cracks! OR, or his gold tooth!" He declared, smiling big, trying to show me his teeth.

"Hmm," I hummed, thinking.

"Well, that may be true, but it doesn't prove that you know where his bro-" I cut Undyne off by raising my hand.

"Let me see your right arm."

"Huh?" His face turned into confusion.

"I didn't stutter," I told him, scowling.

He quickly gives me his left arm and I look at it.

My words are gone.

This isn't Sans.

I released my grip on his arm and looked at him.

"Do you know where 'Red' is?" I asked him.

"He's with Papy, but he should be home in a couple of hours," he informs me.

"And where is 'home?'" Undyne demands.

"At my house of course!" He said smiling at her.

"Take us there," I told him.

"I can't, I'm on duty right now, but I can give you the key to the house and directions on how to get here."

I blinked.

He's seriously giving us the key to his house?

-time skip in flashback-

Undyne and I were standing in the room of 'Blue' looking through his stuff.

I heard a shout from downstairs and turned towards the door. 

Undyne had done the same.

I had summoned a bone and Undyne a spear.

The door opened and closed quietly as Blue walked through.

Blue tears were running down his face as he looked up and noticed us.

"Oh, h-hey guys. I forgot you were here," he muttered, wiping his face off with his glove. 

My soul felt like it was being squeezed. 

"What happened?" I asked.

Blue went on to explain that not to long had he sent us on our way that Chilldrake had stopped him on the path. 

The monster ruffed him up a bit and took his scarf, not before shoving him into the dirt and walking away. 

That sounds more like home.

I had asked if Blue wanted us to take care of Chilldrake since he's bringing undyne and me to Red. 

He seemed confused about what I meant by 'take care of' but agreed. 

At least we'll get to have fun here before we go home.

and then there was a knock on the door.

-end flashback-

"Yeah, something else is the best way to describe him," Undyne says. 

We sit in silence for a minute. 

The door opens and we look towards it.

Blue walks through, a smile on his face. 

"So, we got to figure out when you can see Red, I can tell you're excited," he tells me. 

"Yes... Excited," I murmur, a small smirk on my face.


Hey guys! So I'm having a bit of writer's block about the next chapter. If you have any suggestions on how you think it should go, that'd be great. 

Thanks for reading my story.

Love ya you dorks!

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