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-Red's Pov-

Stretch leads me through Waterfall, eventually, we come to a small puzzle. 

Stretch places lily pads down in the water and walks over them.

I hesitate, knowing that plants can be really weak, like little golden flowers, but seeing as Stretch is bigger than me and thus weighs more than me, I decide it's fine. 

I carefully walk on the lily pads but hurrying so that I'm not left behind. 

I let out a sigh of relief when my feet touch solid ground. 

Stretch chuckles, "don't like water?"

"Not a fan," I respond.  

He nods, leading me into a small area with a bench. 


Stretch sits on the bench and pats the seat beside him. 

I take my seat and he pulls out a cigarette. 

He lights it and takes a breath, he lets it out and the smoke pours out of his mouth. 

Stretch looks at me and catches me staring. 

I quickly look away but it's too late. 

"Heh, it's pretty cool huh?" he chuckles, "it's pretty weird that the smoke doesn't come out of the other parts of my skull, but I guess we're magic so it's whatever."

I nod. 

I listen to the water moving throughout the cavern. 

I want to just sit back and relax like Stretch, but I feel like something is off. 

"Oh, I should probably tell you," Stretch starts, shifting in his spot on the bench. 

I look up to him, my anxiety rising.

"Fluffy is able to come 'n pick you up. He texted me yesterday but I forgot to tell you."

I feel my body deflate, "oh."

"Of course you don't have to go if you don't want to, Blue will probably be pretty upset to see you go."

"I-i can stay?" I ask, my head rising. 

"Yeah, of course. As long as you feel comfortable," He tells me, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Stretch, I-" 

"Hey! You called me Stretch!" He says, a smile on his face. 

"Y-yeah, I h-hope you don't mind," I mutter, shrinking down.

"Of course I don't mind! It's a lot better than you calling me Boss."


My body snaps towards the loud voice. 

It, it can't be...

Loud footsteps come towards us, the splashing of water is heard as the lily pads we had recently walked on are squished and ruined. 

"B-boss," I say quietly, my body begins to shake.

I feel Stretch stand up and off of the bench. 

My eyes lock onto the tall skeleton, his ripped scarf trailing behind him, eye lights blazing a bloody crimson. 

Stretch steps in front of me, making sure that I'm hidden.

Boss stops inches in front of Stretch. 

-Stretch's Pov-


This is Boss.

He's slightly taller than me, but not by much. 

Anger is radiating off of him, he looks like he wants to murder me. 

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" he demands, moving his arms to shove me. 

I hit his hands away, "Hey, that's not very nice."

'Boss' growls and summons a red bone, "MOVE."

"Not gonna happen," I tell him, crossing my arms. 

I feel a tug on my jacket. 

I look behind me, Red is shaking violently. 

"S-stretch, p-please listen t-t-to him," He begs quietly.

I can tell he's extremely afraid of this new skeleton, and I'm getting annoyed that this jack ass just put Red back to where he was when we first talked. 

I want to send this bag of dicks back to wherever he came from. 

I just pat his head and turn towards 'Boss'. 

"I think you should leave, bud,"  I say, letting more smoke from my cig come out of my skull before tossing it into the water. 


Red whimpers and grips tighter onto me. 

I put my arm on his shoulder, "Yeah, I don't think so."

I'd like to leave him here, but I can't be sure that he wouldn't hurt anyone. 

"... WHAT?"

"You heard me, I think Red and I will be going now," I say. 

"HOW DARE YOU! YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST-" He's cut off as he slumps down to the floor, only to be lifted up by my blue magic. 

"B-BOSS!" Red shouts, rushing out from behind me, to the unconscious skeleton. 

I desummon the bone attack I had used to knock him out from behind. 

Red hesitates to reach out to the taller but does so quickly, taking his boss's face in his hands. 

I am completely confused, a moment ago he was cowering away from this guy, but now he's completely worried about the guy's health.

"B-boss, oh sh-shit, I'm sorry. I-i d-didn't mean to leave," he whispers. 

"St-stretch?" Red asks. 


"is, is Boss g-going ta be ok-kay?"

Guilt washes over me as Red looks to me, fear all over his face while tears stream down his cheeks. 

"Yeah, he's gonna be fine, I just made it easier for us to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone or vice-versa," I tell him, lifting the ass hat further into the air.  

His hands slowly let go of the scarred face of the other. 

"We should probably bring him to Undyne, she'll be able to make sure he's okay."

I start to walk to the River Person's boat, wanting to get this over with. 

This is most likely the guy that put that collar on Red, who burned 'Property of Papyrus' into his arm, and the reason as far as I can tell, that Red is so nervous all the time. 

If Red didn't seem concerned for his well being, I would give him a bad time right now

However, by the way Red's eyes are glued to the guy, I can't do anything of the sort.

While he's around anyway. 

We get onto the River Person's boat, and I ask him to quickly bring us to Hotland. 

He does as requested and brings us there as fast as he can. 

I try to keep the bubbling anger from spilling out as I thank the River Person and we make our way to Undyne's Lab. 

I know I can't stay calm forever. 

Let's just hope I won't lose my cool around Red, or Blue. 

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