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-Red's Pov-

He's frozen.

I've made my way in front of him, standing now. 

I'm waving my hand in front of him, but getting no response. 


I look up towards the stairs. 

I remember the first time Boss yelled at me. 

It fucking sucked.

 I start to walk towards the stairs, my knees shaking as I get closer. 

I gulp, thinking back to how Boss had snapped for the first time. 

It didn't end well.

I lick my gold tooth as I start to climb the stairs.

I reach the top of the stairs and look back at New Boss. 

He hasn't moved. 

I sigh and try to keep hold of what little courage I have left as I walk to Loud Boss's room. 

I get to the door, expecting to feel a dark rage coming from the room. 

It's there, very lightly, but it's there. 

I feel anxiety well up in my chest at the familiar feeling. 

I reach up to knock on the door but hesitate. 

I don't want to end up as some dust on the floor due to a monster's first rage.

But I don't like it that New Boss is hurting. 

I listen for a moment, there are quiet movements and something like whispers. 

it sounds like a tv is on or something.

I knock on the door. 

The noises stop for a moment. 

I gulp, take a deep breath, "Uh, e-excuse me?"

"Who is it?" Blue asks, seeming to be moving something around his room.

"It's R-red, sorry f-for bothering you, I-I j-just wanted t-to talk or something."

"ONE MINUTE!" Blue shouts. 

"O-okay," I respond.

Oh shit, what have I done?

Maybe I should leave? 

He's probably too busy or, doesn't want to talk to people.

I turn to the stairs and start to walk.

The door opens and I stop in my tracks.

"Hey, uh, Red, what's up?" He asks.

"Oh, i-i," I start, turning back to the door.

He's hiding behind the door, only his head is poking out of the room.

"Yeah?" he asks. 

"O-oh, I j-just wanted t-to say, you might w-wanna say sorry t-to your brother," I mutter, looking to the ground.

His face turns into confusion.

"What did you say?" He asks. 

"I-i said," I begin, but stop myself. 

I take a deep breath and look up at Loud Boss. 

"I said, you should go say sorry to your brother. It really hurt him when you y-yelled at him," I say, my stutter coming back at the end.

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