It's okay, I've got you

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-Red's Pov-

I wake up with my hand covering my mouth, trying to cover my cries.

It's become an instinct over the years.

Tears stream down my face as I try to calm down.

I take notice of how my other hand is clutching my rib. 

I start to sit up, trying to compose myself, as to not get in trouble.

I barely sit up before  I stop myself.

 I feel a long but slender weight on my chest.

I slowly lay back down, a low whimper escapes my mouth as I understand I'm trapped under an arm,  in a dark room, with an unknown figure.

My breathing is uneven as I keep trying to calm myself down.

But after that nightmare, memory or whatever the fuck it was, it's really hard to get my head on straight.

Feeling like you could be attacked or punished for the simplest things doesn't help with your mental state at all.

I feel the weight on me get taken off and the body beside me shifts in its sleep, seemingly trying to become more comfortable.

I freeze in place, holding my breath, waiting to be hit or punished in some way.

after a long time of standing still I let out a breath, I'm not going to be punished.


I slowly sit up, the thought of being punished for waking up whoever this is, is still in my mind.  

I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down as I look around the room.

A single window lets some light in, not very much but just enough for me to see some of the bigger objects in the room with me.

I keep looking until I notice a familiar closet door.

I let out a small sigh of relief, I'm in New Boss's house.

Wait, does that mean?...

I look over to the sleeping being beside me.

Yeah, it's New Boss.

I've managed to mostly calm myself down at this point, now knowing that I'm in a familiar place with Fluffy's promise hanging in the air.

A thought wavers in my mind for a long moment.

I want to move closer to him, if Fluffy wasn't lying, I shouldn't be 'punished' for trying to feel better, right?

but then again, it is hard to promise something for another person. 

I hear a creak outside the door.

Fuck it fuck it fuck it. 

I slowly lay back down, praying to Asgore that he doesn't wake up.

Once I lay down I scooch closer until my face is pressed against his chest, and grab hold of his sweatshirt, careful not to tear it and try to relax.

I hope that who, or whatever is out in the house, doesn't come in here. 

I feel the orange blob shift a little, I freeze once again to not wake him.

I feel his arms behind me as he pulls me closer to him than I already was.

My eye sockets go wide with fear, but the fear slowly melts into sleepiness.

I unconsciously rub my face into the sweater as I fall asleep.

-Orange Blob's Pov-

I wake up to my arm being moved and a whimper close to my head.

I feel the way Red's chest goes up and down, uneven and quick.

Pretending to be asleep I shift, taking my arm off of him and putting it on my side.

He stops moving, I don't even hear his breath.

For a moment I get scared, thinking he's gotten a heart attack or something.

Thankfully he lets out a breath and slowly sits up, looking around.

Luckily I don't think he knows I'm awake, probably too dark to see much for him.

He looks beyond me and lets out a sigh of what I can assume is relief.

I close my eye sockets as he turns towards me.

Everything is quiet and I assume he saw me close my sockets.

I hear Blue get out of his room and go downstairs, probably to get a drink or something. 

Red also seems to have noticed because his breath hitches. 

He slowly lays down, waits for a second and then slowly gets closer to me, grabbing onto my hoodie and pressing his face to my ribs.

It shocks me.

Is he trying to cuddle me?

I thought he was afraid of me.

I slowly move my arms around him, in a hug like fashion to let him know it's okay.

He stiffens for a moment and I panic, thinking I've gone too far.

He slowly relaxes, letting me know he's okay with my arms being around him.

My sockets open slightly, trying to see him.

His head nuzzles into my chest, making my heart leap.

My soul thumps loudly, loud enough to where I think Red might hear, but my worries are responded with by soft snores into my chest.

Oh, Toriel he's so cute.

Wait, cute?

I mean, he was acting adorable so cute would be the right word.

I rub small circles into his back with the tips of my fingers.

I'll protect you Red.

No one will hurt you anymore, I swear on my life. 

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