Carrot Stretch

244 16 3

-Red's Pov-

I wake up still in the arms of New Boss. 

Is he even a Boss?

He's a lot nicer, more relaxed, and seems happy about everything, so maybe not?

I shift in the arms around me, trying to get comfy. 

He did say he doesn't really want me to call him Boss, so maybe I should find him a new name?

Everyone seems to call him something different so if I call him one of the names that he's already called he won't mind. 


Well let's see, there's Carrot, Stretch, Papy, and well, Papyrus. 

I haven't said that name in a long time. 

It's definitely out. 

So is Papy, that name is too close to Papyrus. 

So that leaves Carrot and Stretch. 

Maybe Orange Juice. 

I chuckle quietly. 

Nah, it's longer than New Boss. 


I could see which one comes out of my mouth easier. 

I guess that would make sense. 

I take a deep breath and mutter, "Carrot."


Now the next one. 



I don't notice a big difference. 

"Carrot, Stretch, Carrot, Stretch, Carrot, Stretch, Carrot, Stretch," I mutter slowly, feeling the way the different parts of my mouth moves. 

I guess Carrot is easier to say, but, Stretch feels more natural. 


I guess it's Stretch. 

It's decided then. 

I don't know if I'll change Loud Boss's name yet, I'm not as comfortable with him as I am with Ne- I mean Stretch.

I haven't been this comfortable with anybody before. 

Well, maybe once. 

But that was a long time ago. 

I start to hum quietly to myself. 

I draw little circles in the orange hoodie's arm with my phalanges.

I hear a hum of the same tune from behind me.

The realization hits me as I stop humming and listen. 

Stretch was listening to me for Asgore knows how long, and quite possibly heard me say his nicknames a bunch of times!

My face burns with embarrassment.

I shoot off of the skeleton below me and turn around quickly, looking at him. 

His face is a tad bit orange, seeming startled and maybe flustered from my sudden movements. 

We stand in silence for a long moment. 

"I'm sorry," he says quietly. 

"I-it's fine."

I look away, from him and pull my hoodie close to me to try and hide my embarrassment. 

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