Cleaning up

235 13 1

-Stretch's Pov-

I head out to the shed, knowing that I'll need some of the stuff from my lab. 

Getting 'Edge' to the Queen is going to be difficult, especially if he's awake when I get back. 

I might be strong, but I'm not taking any chances with this guy. 

I unlock the door and step in, looking around. 

Gonna need rope, I know that for a fact. 

I clear off my desk, pushing everything off of it. 

I look around for a rope, knowing I had one in here at one point. 

I find it in my tools and put it on my desk.

I don't need the kid's knife since I can summon bones, I know he's not going to be happy about being manhandled. 

I'll bring some tape for his mouth.

I grab the duct tape from one of the drawers in my desk and set it on the rope. 

I suppose I don't have to do too much. 

I'll just call the royal guard to help me with him once I get him all nice and snug. 

That works for me, it shouldn't take too long before I'm back home and with Red and Blue. 

I sign as I put the rope and tape into my pocket. 

I thought I was passed all of my days of capturing people. 

I head out of the lab, making sure to lock it before I leave. 

I look towards the house one more time before I teleport into the lab, making Undyne jump.

"FLYING FISHSTICKS, PAPYRUS!" she screams at me, slapping me with her clipboard. 

I ignore her anger, "Is he still asleep?" 

"L-last time I checked." 

"Good," I say quietly, walking past her to the room containing Edge.

Undyne stays behind, most likely to watch what happens on her monitor. 

I open the door and look inside. 

Edge hasn't moved. 

I keep my guard up, taking my rope and tape out of my pockets.

I quickly replace the restraints he has on with the rope. 

Once I'm satisfied, I send a text to Bratty and Catty to come and pick him up.

It doesn't take long before the two basically bust down the door to the lab, a frantic Undyne behind them, protesting their presence.

I motion to Edge, "Hey girls, thanks for coming. Can you two help me bring this guy to Queen Toriel?"

They just nod to me, before they grab him together. 

"See you later, Undyne," I say as we walk out of the lab, heading to the Queen.

It doesn't take very long before we're at the jail cell for Edge. 

He's placed on a seat and his restraints removed and the guards leave the cell, I as well. 

The door shuts and I stand at the bars, a scowl on my face. 

"You disgust me," I say simply. 

I get no response, as expected from a sleeping body. 

He'll be up soon. 

I should let Toriel know why he's here, from there he's her problem. 

I light a cig and walk away from the cell. 

You'll get what's coming to you.

-Red's Pov-

I wake up, rubbing my eye sockets. 

That's weird, I didn't have a dream. 

Or a nightmare. 

That's fine. 

Why am I in bed?

Where's Stretch?

He's usually with me when we go to bed. 

Then again, I don't really know how I got to his bed. 

And I guess it's none of my business where he goes.

The last thing I can remember from yesterday, today, or whenever the last time I was awake, was talking to Stretch about home, and ...Boss. 

Nope, I'm not going to think about it. 

Just gonna find Stretch. 

I hop off the bed and walk out of the bedroom. 

This place is so weird, it's a lot calmer when you don't know where everyone is. 

Usually, that would mean you're gonna get killed.

I walk down the stairs and look around, Loud Boss and Stretch are nowhere to be found. 

"S-Stretch? Boss?" I call out, trying to locate the others. 


I sigh as I look around the house. 

It's getting kinda messy, I should probably clean it up, maybe I'd get a prize if my Bosses like how well I do.

A small smile appears on my face at the thought. 

I go around the house, opening up all the curtains, letting the sun into the house.

I smile as I feel the warmth hit my face, it gets me motivated. 

I look around for cleaning supplies and eventually find them under the sink.

I start to clean in the kitchen since I'm already in it. 

-Time Skip cause I'm Tired-

I finish mopping the bathroom, taking a step back to look over my work. 

It looks a lot better than what it did. 

I take the mop and mop bucket downstairs and put them away. 

Checking over my work on the house I decide that it looks good enough for me to take a break.

I glance to the couch, wondering if I even dare to sit on the forbidden green sofa. 

Stretch doesn't seem to get too mad about anything, but Loud Boss might not like me being on there...

Fuck it, I've worked hard, I deserve to sit on the couch. 

I plop down on the couch, letting myself melt into the softness. 

I take a deep breath as I relax, thankful to just take some time and just breathe.

I hear the door open but I don't get up.

 I don't care if I get caught at this point, I know I deserve to sit here. 

Footsteps come in the house but stop.

I glance up at whoever walked in and all my confidence leaves my body as I lay my eyes on Stretch. 

However, I don't leave my spot. 

"W-welcome ho- Back," I say, correcting myself. 

Stretch looks at me, a small smile on his face. 

"Did you do this?" he asks, walking over to me and sitting on the couch as well. 

I nod. 

"heh, you know you didn't have to, but thanks anyway," he tells me, rubbing my skull. 

I smile. 

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